
英语新闻 2020-09-22 12:05:42 英语新闻
[摘要]英文新闻发言稿【篇一:英语新闻演讲稿】 fields of city planning good morning,everyone,you are listening to news broadc[db:cate]




fields of city planning

good morning,everyone,you are listening to news broadcasts in beijing city university.i’m doris.today,i’ll show you about the fields of city planning.cities have provided a fertile ground for the evolution of human culture and human took full advantage of ground.early humans relied on gathering and hunting for a living on the ground.today,with the development of culture,human make the best use of a city’s other resources.and the fields of city planning is changing,it involves healthy,transportation and education.more and more people move to city for job,money and education.a survey show’s that as more and more people settled down,transportation become more and more terrible and we get into traffic jams and that cycle repeats,our environment and healthy will be threatened.

if our city can solve the traffic problem and reasonable planning,our city can develop more and more better.that’s all,goodbye.


【双语】时政热词也要与时俱进:李克强在上合组织首脑理事会上的讲话 2014-12-17 中国日报网双语新闻

国务院总理李克强15日在上海合作组织成员国政府首脑理事会第十三次会议上发表讲话。看演讲,学热词表达,点击页面最下方阅读原文看讲话全文。 丨秉承上海精神

acting in the shanghai spirit


scored new achievements


people-to-people exchanges


seize opportunities and rise up to challenges since last years heads of government meeting in tashkent, the sco member states have, acting in the shanghai spirit, scored new achievements in cooperation in

various fields. at the dushanbe summit last september, chinese president xi jinping and leaders of other sco member states put forward a number of significant

initiatives to advance practical cooperation of the sco. currently, the international situation is complicated, development of various economies is becoming

differentiated and certain regional turbulences have intensified. given this backdrop, we need to further strengthen cooperation in the security and economic fields as well as in cultural and people-to-people exchanges so that we could seize opportunities and rise up to challenges.



stay committed to the path of peaceful development

the international political and economic situation is undergoing complex changes. china will stay committed to the path of peaceful development and be firm in its efforts to safeguard regional peace, stability and development. and china will work to increase synergy and collaboration with other countries to jointly promote world prosperity and stability. security cooperation mechanisms need to be improved to oppose terrorism in all its manifestations. it is important that countries give support to the government of afghanistan in its efforts to achieve early national reconciliation and economic reconstruction, as this is conducive to regional stability and serves the common interests of all countries.


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