
英语新闻 2017-02-05 03:03:13 英语新闻
[摘要]想看浓缩的新闻?想听鲜活的英语?一分钟世界1 MINUTE WORLD----短小精悍 AP经典!英语新闻之精华袖珍篇 尽在AP--1 MINUTE WORLD! AP:Associated Pre


一分钟世界1 MINUTE WORLD----短小精悍 AP经典!
英语新闻之精华袖珍篇 尽在AP--1 MINUTE WORLD!

AP:Associated Press 到底是什么



The governor of Hawaii has screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0 mce_src="http://www.wzgirl.com/photo/pic/icon/06/3/h08.gif">(1)_____ a disaster declaration after the island state got hit by a strong earthquake Sunday. A 6.6 quake has damaged buildings and roads and caused widespread power outages.

Police in Iowa are charging a 22-year-old with murdering his parents and 3 teenage sisters. The bodies were found Saturday, the suspect being held in Illinois.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia defended some of the High Court’s decisions Sunday. In a debate with the president of the ACLU, Scalia said that screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0 mce_src="http://www.wzgirl.com/photo/pic/icon/06/3/h08.gif">(2)_____.

Neil Simon is joining an screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0 mce_src="http://www.wzgirl.com/photo/pic/icon/06/3/h08.gif" dypop="按此在新窗口浏览图片">(3)_____ commedy club. The screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0 mce_src="http://www.wzgirl.com/photo/pic/icon/06/3/h08.gif">(4)_____ was awarded the Mark Twain Prize Sunday, joining Richard Pryor and Steve Martin among others who have received the high award.


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