
英语真题 2017-02-19 03:03:13 英语真题
[摘要]对外经济贸易大学2004年研Directions: Each sentence in this part has a word underlined Below each sentence are




Directions: Each sentence in this part has a word underlined. Below each sentence are four other words. You are to choose the word which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word.

1. A person"s religion should be a solace to him in times of trouble and affliction.

A. relief     B. soothing    C. consolation    D. consolatory

2. The essence of economic planning lies in the fact that decisions which in a capitalist society are diffused among numerous units are embodied in a single complex decision which constitutes the plan.   

A. scattered      B. spread   C. dispatched     D. disposed

3. In Italy during the thirteenth century the form of a new kind of society could be discerned. It conceived itself as a return to, as a rebirth of, an ancient way; but in fact it contained the germ of perpetual regeneration, the capacity, unprecedented in history, for sustained and cumulative development.

A. enlightened      B. learned         C. comprehended      D. perceived

4.  Scientific inquiry through the mid-nineteenth century was essentially a leisure class occupation, a hobby for the aristocracy, those who had the wherewithal and the time to devote themselves to objectives without monetary value.

A. interest        B. status       C. verve    D. money

5.  Individualism proceeds from erroneous judgment more than from depraved feelings; it originates as much in the deficiencies of the mind as in the perversity of the heart.

A. low-minded/unyieldingness.      B. debauched/waywardness

C. ill-humored/ungovernedness      D. dispraised/unpersuadableness

6.  It is possible to answer the question What ought to be? or What should be done?without explicitly or implicitly relying on a value premise.

 A. notion      B. thesis       C. imaginatioin   D. expression

7.  Aristocracy stands only partly for a social class distinguished by special privileges; it is also the perduring and idealized representation of distinctiveness, antimaterialism, and diffused power.

A. visible      B. enduring       C. seeming     D. proper

8.  Boston citizens saw history made manifest in fine colonial buildings and all the prosperous vistas of Beacon Hill, and took pride not only in their city"s thriving economy but also in its vast concentration of clubs, societies and improving establishments.

A. conspectus   B. reconnaissance    C. visualization     D. prospect

9. The idea of the new-found land to the West, the iconography of the wilderness, the fundamental encounter between man and Nature, the figure of the Indian: all these came to be, for the earliest American writers and their successors, among the most important motifs and themes in the national literature.

A. characterization      B. petroglyph       C. duplication  D. incarnation

10.Mid-nineteenth-century Irish immigration was largely the result of the expelling force of the famine, just as late nineteenth and twentieth-century Jewish migration was triggered off by pogroms.     

A. slaughter     B. homicide     C. sacrifice   D. crucifixion

11. Indeed, though he was essentially retrospective in his outlook, Hardy anticipated the concerns of modern poetry by treating the craft as an awkward, often skeptical means of penetrating the facade of language.

A. retroactive     B. retrogressive     C. reminiscent     D. prospective

12.When the material conditions change, changes are occasioned in the adaptive culture. But these changes in the adaptive culture do not synchronize exactly with the change in the material culture. 

A. synthesize     B. operate at the same time    C. overlap    D. evolve     

13.There is no shared endeavour or suffering: service in the armed forces has become a rarity, and austerity is a distant memory.

A. obdurateness    B. astringency  C. extravagance        D. abstemiousness   

14.The stronger the challenge, the more vociferous the evangelism about how the family was the cornerstone of the safe and ordered society, and the wife and mother was the heart of the family.

A. incorrigible    B. clamorous    C. strident     D. infirm

15.The more you look back into English history, the more you are forced to the conclusion that alongside the civility, and the deeply held convictions about individual rights, the English have a natural taste for disorder.     

A. eminence    B. courteousness    C. harmony    D. condescension   

16. Indeed, we should find Berkeley"s philosophy especially poignant in light of the very first and most essential bit of wisdom, which we have identified as part of our meaning of the term philosophical enlightenment.

A. thought-provoking     B. abstruse    C. piercing       D. soothing

17.Roosevelt played the game of politics with virtuosity, and both his successes and his failures were carried off in splendid style; his performance seemed to flow with effortless skill.  

A. virulence     B. skill      C. resort           D. trick  

18.Activation begins at a single node and then spreads in parallel form throughout the network. This activation attenuates over distance, thus ensuring that closely related concepts are more likely to be activated than distant concepts.

A. develops     B. strengthens     C. reduces    D. weakens

19. I felt that the sentence given to the criminal was much too lenient. Murder should carry the maximum penalty. 

A. indulgent     . B. felicitous     C. trenchant          D.  tiresome

20.Most executives consider compatibility to be a desirable characteristic for their employees. Internal bickering can be very disruptive.

A. ability to type rapidly         B. ability to get to work promptly

C. ability to work harmoniously   D. ability to compete ardently

21.The  reverberations  of reform  were  felt  in  the  Roman  Catholic  church  in  a proliferation of new religious orders but not in new liturgical or doctrinal forms.  

A. repercussion      B. reverence     C. revelation       D. retrogradation

22.Ancient mountain villages huddle on impossibly narrow ridges or perch defiantly on impregnable hilltops,   their Romanesque churches and medieval battlements reached by dizzying roads that spool down into sunny valleys of vineyards and olive groves.

A. brae          B. precipitous     C. sublime     D. invincible

23.Such writers as Harry Elmer Barnes, Charles Tansill, C. Hartley Grattan, and J. Kenneth Tunnel shifted the focus from President Wilson, whom they considered sanctimonious and slow, to the house of Morgan and the Bethlehem Steel Company, which they charged with leading the country into combat to protect their investments in British securities.

A. feignedly pious    B. apish.     C. inept      D. extremely bigheaded   

24.We went soberly home, not yelling until we were well away from the schoolhouse. We didn"t argue or fight, not while Willie Stone was arguing so hard and deliriously for life and love.

A. eloquently       B. ragefully         C. crazily            D. persuasively




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