
英语口语练习 2019-07-04 07:03:13 英语口语练习
[摘要]美食源于生活,美食源于创造,美食源于内心;英语与美食的完美结合,哈,我们要在学做美食中练习英语,在口语中正确应用! 今天的主题隆重登场:红烧猪蹄 Braised Pork Trotters哇哦,今天的


红烧猪蹄 Braised Pork Trotters



* 2 pcs/750g Pork trotter (get the butcher to cut into the small chunks)

* 10 - 12 Dried black mushrooms
* 10-12粒香菇

* 1 stalk Spring onion
* 1支青葱段

* 4-6 pcs Ginger slices

* 1 pc Star anise
* 1个八角茴香

* 1 tbsp Dark soya sauce
* 1大勺老抽

* 1 tbsp Light soya sauce
* 1大勺生抽

* 25g Jiafan rice wine
* 25克加饭酒

* 5-8 pcs Szechuan pepper corns

* 1 tbsp Salad oil
* 1大勺沙拉油

* 1 tsp Salt
* 1小勺盐

* 15g Sugar
* 15克白糖(最好用冰糖)

* 4-5 pcs Dried chili
* 4-5个干辣椒

* Some water
* 适量清水

Method / 做法:

1. Wash trotters and clean well. Bring half a pot of water to a boil. Put in trotter and parboiled for 3-4 minutes.
1. 将猪蹄洗净,飞水3-4分钟捞出备用。

2. Remove and place the trotter in a pressure cooker together with the dried mushrooms, ginger slices, spring onion, rice wine, soya sauces and star anise. Add in enough water to cover the trotter and cook for about 15 minutes.
2. 猪蹄放入高压锅里,入水没过蹄子,加入香菇,姜片,葱段,料酒,2种酱油和八角。煮上大约15分钟。

3. Heat up a wok with salad oil. Add in sugar and salt until fragrant and sugar has melted. Transfer the trotter from the presser cooker to the wok and bring to a boil. Add in dried chili and flavoured with salt. Reduce the heat and continue to simmer until the sauce turns thick and the trotter is cooked through. Dish out and sprinkle with some chopped spring onions. Serve the dish immediately.
3. 油烧热,放入砂糖炒出香味至冰糖融化。将汤水与猪蹄一起从高压锅转至锅里,烧开后,加入干辣椒,用盐调味。小火烧至猪蹄软烂,大火收至汤汁浓稠即可出锅,洒上一些葱花装饰。趁热食用。

还有相关的口语说明噢~ ^0^



>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200808/16209.jpg" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200808/16209.jpg">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200808/15474.jpg" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200808/15474.jpg">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200808/13028.jpg" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200808/13028.jpg">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200808/16703.jpg" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200808/16703.jpg">

相关热点: 英语学习资料 美食英语 which从句


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