
英语真题 2019-08-09 12:08:36 英语真题
[摘要]historicala 历史的,有关历史的[真题例句] (74) There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts pe




[真题例句] (74) There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.[1999年翻译]

[例句精译] (74) 所谓方法是指在一般的历史研究中的特有概念,还是指历史探究中各个具体领域适用的研究手段,人们对此意见不一。



[真题例句] We must speed up our literature too, if we want to interpret (①) modern stress.[2000年阅读3]

[例句精译] 如果我们想诠释现代生活的压力,就必须加快文学发展的步伐。



[真题例句] An education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a technical education, justified for reasons radically different from why education is universally required by law.[1999年阅读3]

[例句精译] 职业教育的目的是使学生胜任某种工作,它存在的理由与法律所规定的普及教育之间有很大差别。




[真题例句] Some economists argue that powerful structural changes in the world have upended the old economic models (n.①) that were based upon the historical link between growth and inflation.[1997年阅读5]

[例句精译] 一些经济学家认为,旧的经济模式是建立在经济增长和通货膨胀历史联系的基础上的,而世界结构的巨大改变可能已使这套模式不再适用了。

[真题例句] What they found, in attempting to model (v.) thought, is that the human brain"s roughly one hundred billion nerve cells are much more talented-and human perception far more complicated-than previously imagined.[2002年阅读2]

[例句精译] 在试图模仿人类思维的过程中,研究人员发现,人类大脑中的近1000亿个神经细胞要比以前想象的更聪明,人类的感觉器官也比以前想象的更复杂。



[真题例句] In his article "How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?", Sternberg notes (n.①) that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success.[2007年阅读2]

[例句精译] 在其文章"智力测试本身到底有多明智?"中,他注意到了传统的智力测试能最好的测试人们的分析和文字技巧,但却无法测试人们的创造能力和实用知识,而这些因素对人们解决问题的能力如生活的成功也是至关重要的。

[真题例句] But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes (n.②) that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river-and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: "Pluff! Pluff! A hundred and eightyfive kilograms."[2000年阅读3]

[例句精译] 在某首诗中,未来派诗人用一行文字描写了一名土耳其军官和一名保加利亚军官在桥上发生搏斗的场面,结果双双从桥上掉进河中;看了这首诗,有点让人摸不着头脑;后来看了注解才发现,诗把他们两人落水的声音和体重写在了一起:"扑通!扑通!185公斤。"

[真题例句] There is a heavy note (n.⑤) of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped-with the educated themselves riding on them.[2000年阅读5]

[例句精译] 他们的说法有着浓厚的虚伪色彩,正如马从马厩跑出来后再关上马厩的门,而受过良好教育的人自己正骑在那些马背上那样的虚伪。

[真题例句] "The term ‘antiscience" can lump together too many, quite different things," notes (v.①) Harvard University philosopher Gerald Holton in his 1993 work Science and AntiScience, "They have in common only one thing that they tend to annoy or threaten those who regard themselves as more enlightened."[1998年阅读3]

[例句精译] "‘反科学"这个词可以涵盖太多截然不同的东西",哈佛大学的哲学家杰拉尔德·霍尔顿在其1993年的著作《科学和反科学》中写道:"它们惟一的共同点就是会激怒或威胁那些自以为更开明的人。"

[真题例句] Rodriguez notes (v.②) that children in remote villages around the world are fans of superstars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks, yet "some Americans fear that immigrants living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nation"s assimilative power."[2006年阅读1]

[例句精译] 罗德里格兹记录道,在世界范围内偏远村庄里的孩子也崇拜着超级明星比如阿诺得·施瓦辛格和葛司·布鲁克斯。然而"一些美国人害怕在美国居住的移民在某种程度上不会受到民族同化力量的作用。"



[真题例句] Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding.Others stress safe work practices by (46:observing) (①) rules or regulations.(47:Still) others depend on an emotional appeal to the worker.[1999年完形]

[例句精译] 有的把重点放在机械的安全防护装置上;有的则强调遵守规章制度,使工人养成安全操作的习惯;还有的依靠的是对工人动之以情晓之以理的做法。

[真题例句] Father Bruckbergen told part of the story when he observed (②) that it is the intellectuals who have rejected American. [2006年翻译]

[例句精译] Bruckbergen教父讲述了另一个故事,因为他发现是知识分子在排斥美国。



[真题例句] They have built robots that can recognize the error of a machine panel (②) by a fraction of a millimeter in a controlled factory environment.[2002年阅读2]

[例句精译] 他们建造的机器人在严格控制的工厂环境里,能够在仪表盘上识别毫米以下的误差。

[真题例句] In late 1994 the panel (③) of economists which The Economist polls each month said that America"s inflation rate would average 3.5% in 1995.[1997年阅读5]

[例句精译] 1994年底,接受《经济学家》每月意见调查的一组经济学家指出,美国在1995年的平均通货膨胀率将达到3.5%。



[真题例句] The relation of language and mind has interested philosophers for many centuries.[2004年翻译]

[例句精译] 千百年来,语言与思维之间的关系一直在吸引着哲学家们的兴趣。

相关热点: 2018考研备考 经典名著阅读傲慢与偏见


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