甜蜜暴击电视剧_甜而不腻:爱的成全 Skye Edwards - Love Show

英语口语 2019-08-28 22:08:43 英语口语
[摘要]舒缓清爽的吉他刷弦伴随Skye甜而不腻的真诚灵魂唱腔,曾堪称Morcheeba绮丽梦幻乐风标志的Skye单飞后于2006年发行的首张个人专辑《Mind How You Go》,绝对好听,但确实无法带给


    舒缓清爽的吉他刷弦伴随Skye甜而不腻的真诚灵魂唱腔,曾堪称Morcheeba绮丽梦幻乐风标志的Skye单飞后于2006年发行的首张个人专辑《Mind How You Go》,绝对好听,但确实无法带给我太多惊喜。流行化的电子元素,很上耳,也容易被大众接受。这样的专辑,想必会热卖;但对于苛刻的乐评人来说,多少都会嗤之以鼻吧。不过,如果你是Morcheeba忠实粉丝;如果你不屑缺少Skye的“The Antidote”;如果你也想念这个妞的迷人靓嗓。那还需要犹豫吗?赶快听听看吧。

Artist:Skye Edwards
Song:Love Show

Sit down, give me your hand
I"m gonna tell you the future
I see you, living happily
With somebody who really suits ya
Someone like me

Stand still. Breath in
Are you listening?

听完音乐,也要提升自己 o(∩_∩)o

You don"t know
Somebody"s aching. Keeping it all in
Somebody won"t let go of his heart but the truth is
It"s painless
Letting your love show

Break down. Give me some time
I don"t want the fear to confuse ya
Right now, it"s so wrong
But maybe it"s all in the future with
Someone like you

Stand still. Breath in
Are you listening?

You don"t know
Somebody"s aching. Keeping it all in
Somebody won"t let go of his heart but the truth is
It"s painless
Letting your love show

Maybe truth, maybe lies
Made me want you
Maybe dumb, maybe wise... ?
I don"t know

Somebody"s aching. Keeping it all in
Somebody won"t let go of his heart but the truth is
It"s painless
Letting your love show
You don"t know
Somebody"s hurting. Holding it all in
Somebody can"t let go of his heart but the truth is
It"s painless
Letting your love show

Love show
Letting your love show

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