[经济危机的正反馈表现出随着时间推移 经济增长]经济危机 怎样向好友们借钱?

英语四级报名时间 2019-09-01 20:41:30 英语四级报名时间
[摘要]参考文本:Borrowing money from friends and family is probably one of the hardest, most uncomfortable thin



Borrowing money from friends and family is probably one of the hardest, most uncomfortable things to do, but with more and more people trying to make ends meet, that may be necessary. Our financial advisor Ray Martin is here to kind of take us through this difficult process. Good morning.

Good morning, Maggie.

First of all, Ray do you think it"s a good idea to borrow money from friends and family?

Well, you know, you look at this versus other options. You know, this is an option of less resort. You wanna do this to avoid things like payday loans, or pawnshops, you know, or even it"s for short-term period of time, well, you don"t wanna go to a bank and incur all those fees and processes if it"s only for a month or two. But this is loaded what I call a relationship risk. This is awkward for the person asking to borrow. This is awkward for the person who is being asked. And you really have to think about that carefully.

What we wanna do then, is the try to make it as comfortable as possible for the person being asked, and I wanna put up some tips that you recommend(yep, yep). First you say: ask in private, give them an out, explain the need to borrow and amount and tell them exactly what the loan is for.


Yeah, here is an example of this, OK. We are at a family gathering and you know, I wanna put you aside, I don"t wanna blurt this out over the turkey, and cranberryies here, OK. And I wanna say: look, I gotta ask you something and tell you something, whatever you say we are still friends, and we are still family, Maggie, and it"s not gonna change that, so you need to know that and be comfortable with that. My thing is I need to borrow money, I need to borrow about 2,000 dollars. I lost my job, unemployment benefits are coming in another week, I gotta make some repairs to my car and I know I"m gonna be able to repay this. But that"s what it is for. Either I"m gonna ask a few trusted people like you, if you can help or if not, can you point me in the right direction. But you"ve done it in telling them, it"s ok to say no to this and you don"t wanna do this at the beginning.

But you put them in a position where they feel they can"t.

Well, you know, you gotta say it"s ok that you can say no, okay, to the person, you gotta make that clear. And you do this at the end of a family event, you don"t unless lay this on somebody at the beginning and kind of ruin the whole family gathering kind of things, if you will put that pressure on them.

How formal do you make it, like do you say I"ll pay you interest, we"ll come up with an exact plan for repayment?

This has to be a business-like transaction, in my view on this. You do charge interest rate, you have something called a promissory note, here, this is a 2-page document that you can get free-downloading on the web or from services like equity or family lawyer. In a promissory note will spell out in this document who the borrower is, who the lender is, how much you borrowed, the loan term, how long you"ll have to repay, what the interest rate is. The amount of the payment that you"ll make and all the payments you will make. And it"s really important to have this because when you formally document of this for each other (uhm) and it"s a matter of trust in that, respect. But it"s also good. I borrowed money from you when the past week, you need to know, you have proofed of that, and a claim on my is safe for example, this is a good legal reason you need a promissory note.

Ok, so for the potential lender, do we then look at the borrower, just like a bank would look at the borrower?

Well, you know, you wanna make....here is what you need to consider you need to have that promissory note, you need to consider the relationship risk, what if I do loan him money, how will it impact our relationship? What if I say no, how would that impact? What if he missed payments, how would I ? You gotta think about all that before you say yes. Could you/may value the relation more than this transaction, that"s important. Don"t put yourself in a financial jeopardy situation, here also make sure you"re sound, don"t borrow from your emergency fund, don"t borrow from you retirement account. Don"t borrow from your home equity loan to make this personal a loan.

But should you be prepared for never getting that money back if you lend it? Should you be telling yourself of that?

Yeah, I think you should, and you know a lot of people when they lend they say look, it"s a gift and if we ever get repaid. And that"s a healthy way to look at it. But still make it a business-like transaction with a promissory note and keep it formal mutual aspect.

And for the asker, what if the person you ask says no?

They say no, you know there are other options here. You can say, look let"s co-signing a loan. Now for the person you co-signs, you are still on the hook, if the borrow doesn"t make the payments to that bank. You still gotta make good on that, so it doesn"t impair your credit report. Do that carefully, I"m not saying that, that"s an alternative, that"s all that is. also look at peer-peer lending sources such as lending club and prosper. com. These are website that facilitate loans between the person who needs to borrow money and between related and unrelated people where people can chip in with little amounts like 50 dollars or 100 dollars to bring you up to your total 2000 amount that you wanna borrow and then you formally make payments back to the website to them and through a promissory note. So consider those resource. Prosper, lending club, virgin money or couple of those peer-peer lending sites on the web

Good, never heard of those, thanks so much Ray.
There you go. You"re welcome, Maggie.




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