
英语口语 2019-09-30 22:12:59 英语口语
[摘要]When civilizations clash 双击或划选,即可查看单词的详细解释,并收录生词进生词本 SAMUEL Huntington, an American political scien


When civilizations clash 


SAMUEL Huntington, an American political scientist, argued as early as 1993 that people"s cultural and religious identities would be the primary source of conflict in the 21st century. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip is a perfect illustration of his point of view.

Huntington, who died last week at 81, achieved fame for his "clash of civilizations" theory. He argued that fights in the new century would be different from those between ideologies, particularly Nazism and Communism, in the 20th century.

"My argument remains that cultural identities, antagonisms and affiliations will not only play a role, but play a major role in relations between states," he said last year, after retiring from his six decades of teaching at Harvard University.

In 1993, Huntington published an article titled The Clash Of Civilizations? in the magazine Foreign Affairs. It prompted immediate controversy, as many had predicted the end of world wars after the Cold War peace resolution.

In his article, Huntington identified eight major civilizations in the world, including the Western, Chinese, Japanese and Islamic civilizations. The West, he said, was "at its peak". He argued that its efforts to promote the values of democracy and liberalism as universal values would only lead to countering responses from other civilizations.

The clash of civilizations would, Huntington suggested, be acted out most violently between the West and the Islamic civilization. But Islam"s problems would not just be with the West. Violence would also occur between Muslims and other civilizations, such as the Jews in Israel.

Religion and culture create boundaries

Huntington divided the world into eight major civilizations:

1. Western: centered on North America and Europe

2. Latin America: includes Central America and most of South America

3. Orthodox: includes most of the former Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia

4. Sinic: located chiefly in China, Korea and Singapore

5. Hindu: located chiefly in India and Nepal

6. Japanese: a hybrid of Chinese civilization and older civilizations in northeast Asia

7. Islamic: located chiefly in the Middle East and north West Africa

8. African: located in most parts of Africa

Lines of miscommunication

Emerging conflict between civilizations as predicted by Huntington. Greater line thickness represents a more conflictual relationship.


affiliation 从属关系

antagonism 对抗

counter 对抗

counterproductive 起反作用的

embed 使融进

expire 期满

hawkish 强硬派的

Hindu 印度的

hybrid 混合物

ideology 意识形态

Islamic 伊斯兰的

moderate 温和的

Nazism 纳粹主义

offensive 进攻

Orthodox 东正教的

resolution 解决

Sinic 中国的

vacuum 真空

Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫


Here are the key words in the reports on the Israel and Hamas conflict.

air assault 空中打击

air strike 空袭

barrage 弹幕射击

civilian casualtie 平民伤亡

death toll 死亡人数

firepower 火力

ground assault 地面进攻

missile 导弹

offensive 进攻

rocket 火箭炮

operation 行动


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