每日新歌推荐_新歌推荐:给我一件你的衣裳 Shontelle - T-Shirt

英语英乐 2019-10-08 12:10:10 英语英乐
[摘要]沪江英乐讯  T-Shirt是巴巴多斯女歌手Shontelle推出的第一支单曲,收录在她的个人第一张大碟《Shontelligence》中。T-Shirt于08年7月在主流之声播放后立即取



沪江英乐讯  "T-Shirt"是巴巴多斯女歌手Shontelle推出的第一支单曲,收录在她的个人第一张大碟《Shontelligence》中。"T-Shirt"于08年7月在主流之声播放后立即取得了巨大的反响,在最新的美国单曲榜排名第36,在美国流行榜排名第21,同样在加拿大单曲榜上获得了第45名,而最好的打榜成绩则来自英国单曲榜上的第十名。"T-Shirt"在全英实现了连续的跳跃,从榜单的第48名升职第25名,再到奋力一跃的第13名,目前已经窜至第10!


Hey, oh
Let me tell you no
Oh baby

Trying to decide, trying to decide
If I, really want to go out tonight
I never used to go out, without you
I"m not sure I remember how to

I"m gonna be late, gonna be late
But, all my girls gonna have to wait
Cause, I don"t know if I like my outfit
I tried everything in my closet

Nothing feels right when I"m not with you
Sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos
Taking them off, cause I feel a fool
Trying to dress up, when I"m missing you
I"ma step out of this lingerie
Curl up in a ball with something Hanes
In bed I lay, with nothing but, your T-Shirt on
Oh, with nothing but, your T-Shirt on

Hey, gotta be strong, gotta be strong
But, I"m really hurting now that your gone
I thought maybe I"d do some shopping
But, I didn"t get pass the door and
Now I don"t know, now I don"t know
If I"m ever gonna let you go
And I couldn"t even leave my apartment
I"m stripped down, torn up about it

Nothing feels right when I"m not with you
Sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos
Taking them off, cause I feel a fool
Trying to dress up when I"m missing you
I"ma step out of this lingerie
Curl up in a ball and something Hanes
In bed I lay, with nothing but your T-Shirt on
Oh, with nothing but, your T-Shirt on

Trying to decide, trying to decide
If I really want to go out tonight
I couldn"t even leave my apartment
I"m stripped down, torn up about it

Nothing feels right when I"m not with you
Sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos
Taking them off, cause I feel a fool
Trying to dress up when I"m missing you
I"ma step out of this lingerie
Curl up in a ball and something Hanes
In bed I lay

Hey, hey

Nothing feels right when I"m not with you
Sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos
Taking them off, cause I feel a fool
Trying to dress up when I"m missing you
I"ma step out of this lingerie
Curl up in a ball and something Hanes
In bed I lay, with nothing but your T-Shirt on
Oh, with nothing but, your T-Shirt on

Let me tell you know
With nothing but, your T-Shirt on

相关热点: 英文歌曲 英语四级多少分


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