
英语行业 2019-12-13 14:51:58 英语行业
[摘要]据美国AAA俱乐部的报道显示,今年美国感恩节外出旅行的人数有所增加。特别是自驾游旅行的人数上升了2 1个百分点;而乘飞机旅行的人下降了6 5个百分点,显示出金融危机的影响尚未完全消退。但旅行业的火




More Americans Expected to Travel for Thanksgiving

The number of Americans traveling away from home for Thanksgiving will be up only slightly this year from 2008, according to a report from the AAA auto club.

The group, which surveyed 1,350 households, said there will be about 33.2 million people traveling by car this year — a 2.1 percent increase from last year.

But there will be a 6.7 percent decrease in the number of air travelers, totaling 2.3 million this year, continuing a decade-long decline of Thanksgiving air travel.

In the report released Wednesday, AAA officials said the expected increase reflects improved consumer confidence from a year ago, when Thanksgiving travel dropped 25 percent following the country"s housing and economic problems. Americans may feel more financially secure and be more willing to travel, the report says.

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