
英语四级报名时间 2020-01-24 17:10:08 英语四级报名时间
[摘要]《识骨寻踪》姐妹聚头识骨寻踪第五季第10集 圣诞老人当头罩播出时间:2009年12月10日一个打扮成圣诞老人的家伙在一起银行抢劫案中自我引爆,Brennan和Booth要查出这个人体炸弹的真实身份,以



识骨寻踪第五季第10集 圣诞老人当头罩
一个打扮成圣诞老人的家伙在一起银行抢劫案中自我引爆,Brennan和Booth要查出这个人体炸弹的真实身份,以及他自杀的动机。而对于即将到来的圣诞,Brennan计划去萨尔瓦多过,她老爸却找来了她远房的一个表妹Margaret Whitesell来同他们一起过。

Episode 5.10 The
Goof" target="_blank">Goof on the Girl
Airs: Dec.10, 2009
Whena man dressed as Santa Claus blows himself up during a botched bankrobbery, Brennan and Booth work to identify the bomber and determinehis motives. Meanwhile, Brennan makes plans to spend Christmas in ElSalvador, but her father (guest star Ryan O"Neal) convinces her tospend the holidays with him and Margaret Whitesell (guest star ZooeyDeschanel), a newly discovered distant relative.


实习医生格蕾第六季第10集 年底事儿多

Grey"s Anatomy
Episode 6.10 Holidaze

Airs: Nov. 19, 2009
As Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year"s pass, Miranda gets a visit from her father, William who disapproves of her choices in life. Mark and Lexie cope with an arrival of a woman from his past. Thatcher questions the Chief"s recent behavior as Meredith comes to his defense.


绝望主妇第六季第10集 灾难冲刷圣诞节

Desperate Housewives
Episode 6.10 Boom Crunch
Airs: December 6, 2009
Gabrielleand Lynette"s friendship is on the brink of collapse, whereas Bree andOrson come to an agreement about their marriage. Meanwhile, Susanhatches a plan to help an irrational Katherine, and Danny"s vitalmistake might cost Angie her freedom. In the meantime, Christmas cheeris curtailed when disaster strikes, as a plane crashes down on WisteriaLane, putting lives in peril.


丑女贝蒂第六季第10集 怀孕没怀孕?
伊格纳修斯 (Ignacio,Tony Plana饰)将准备一顿跨文化大餐,以飨家人好友。赫尔达(Hilda)和贝蒂(Betty)深陷怀孕恐惧症。为了确定是否怀孕,他们使用保险快速验孕棒,不过要在当地药房买到它却没想象中的简单。珍(Jean)在药房工作,连父亲伊格纳修斯 (Ignacio)都出现来采购用品。

Ugly Betty
Episode 6.10
December 11, 2009
Against the backdrop of Ignacio"s multi-culti holiday dinner that heprepares for his new flame Jean (Faith Prince), who is Jewish, Bettyand Hilda have pregnancy scares. Worse, they purchase their Be-Shureinstant pregnancy tests from the local pharmacy -- where Jean works andIgnacio is shopping. Meanwhile, Hartley installs Willie"s replacement,a clueless Hollywood mogul, Denise Ludwig (Nadia Dajani), whose claimto fame is a tacky movie, but Marc has a plan to get Willie back -- ifonly Daniel will agree. And Claire gets Amanda"s help and tracks downTyler (Neal Bledsoe), the son she long ago gave up for adoption.


我为喜剧狂第四季第8集 神秘圣诞老人

30 Rock
Episode 4.08
Secret Santa
December 10, 2009
Jack"s interest in a new social networking site unexpectedly reconnects him with a high school crush. Kenneth tries to organize a Secret Santa Fun Swap, but not without resistance from some of the staff members. Meanwhile, Liz battles the task of buying a gift that is good enough for Jack, and Jenna is horrified at the prospect of sharing her annual Christmas solo.



《无心插柳》 It Happened One Christmas
《社区学校》 Comparative Religion
《费城永远阳光灿烂》A Very Sunny Christmas
《左右不逢源》 Christmas
《当代家庭》Undeck the Halls
《俏妈新上路》It"s Beginning to Stink a Lot Like Christmas
《公园与休憩》Christmas Scandal
《我为喜剧狂》Secret Santa
《办公室风雨》Secret Santa

相关热点: 美剧 英语听力 节日 实习医生格蕾 中考阅读


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