
英语四级报名时间 2020-05-28 12:09:29 英语四级报名时间
[摘要]A survey found that U S workers waste about 20 percent of their working day Americans who feel bore生活实用行业英语


A survey found that U.S. workers waste about 20 percent of their working day.

Americans who feel bored and underpaid do work hard -- at surfing the Internet and catching up on gossip, according to a survey that found U.S. workers waste about 20 percent of their working day.

An online survey of 2,057 employees by online compensation company found about six in every 10 workers admit to wasting time at work with the average employee wasting 1.7 hours of a typical 8.5 hour working day.

Personal Internet use topped the list as the leading time-wasting activity according to 34 percent of respondents, with 20.3 percent then listing socializing with co-workers and 17 percent conducting personal business as taking up time.

The reasons why people wasted time were varied with nearly 18 percent of respondents questioned by e-mail in June and July said boredom and not having enough to do was the main reason.

The second most popular reason for wasting time was having too long hours (13.9 percent), being underpaid (11.8 percent), and a lack of challenging work (11.1 percent).

While the amount of time wasted at work seems high, Bill Coleman, chief compensation officer at said the numbers have improved, with the amount of time wasted dropping 19 percent since conducted its first annual survey on slacking at work in 2005. Then workers reported wasting 2.09 hours of their working day.

"I think (the decline) is really a result of the economy and that there"s more business, more work available and less time to sit around wondering what you are going to do with your day," Coleman told reporters.

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