[北京刮风砸死人]不刮风,风电场也供电 (双语有声)

英语四级作文 2020-06-10 12:11:58 英语四级作文
[摘要]本期节目音频下载Chile earthquake might have shortened Earth’s day, but how? EarthSkyWe got this question a




Chile earthquake might have shortened Earth’s day, but how?


We got this question about wind power, “How do you keep getting energy when the wind doesn’t blow?” The answer might be to connect a chain of offshore wind farms. That’s according to Willett Kempton, director of the Center for Carbon-Free Power Integration at the University of Delaware.

我们收到一个关于风能问题:”不刮风的时候,怎么保持风能供电呢?” 来自德拉华大学无碳一体化电力研究中心的主任威利•肯普顿认为,解决方法将近海风电场串联在一起。

Willett Kempton: We’ve solved a lot of the problem of, you know, wide fluctuations – from none to full power, none to full power. You don’t see that when you connect wind farms like this.


In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in April 2010, Kempton described a chain of 11 offshore wind farms – each made up of 100 wind turbines – along the U.S. East Coast. They’d be connected by a transmission cable buried beneath the ocean. Kempton said this system is ideal for East Coast weather patterns.


Willett Kempton: Storms tend to move up along the coast. So connecting wind farms in a line along the coast tends to give you fairly level power.


Kempton said that although backup energy sources would still sometimes be needed, this system could one day provide the majority of the East Coast’s power.


Willett Kempton: Even just using conventional technology, there’s enough power to run the whole East Coast – all those coastal states, from Massachusetts through North Carolina.




相关热点: 英语词汇


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