[奥斯卡提名电影]奥斯卡提名人午宴 众星齐聚一堂

英语四级报名时间 2020-07-28 12:04:55 英语四级报名时间
[摘要]1 奥斯卡提名人全家福美国时间2月7日下午,第83届奥斯卡提名人午宴在好莱坞的比弗利山庄举行,好莱坞众多明星、导演济济一堂,与小金人合影、与同行们聊天、一起享受这段美好时光,暂时忘却奥斯卡正式颁奖的紧文化娱乐电影




This year"s Oscar contenders gathered in Los Angeles on Monday for the traditional nominees" luncheon. Some 151 actors and film professionals got together before finding out the fates of the golden statuettes on the big night, on Sunday 27 February.



At the front of the group photo, Annette Bening perched on the knee of fellow acting nominee Jeff Bridges, flanked by Nicole Kidman and Amy Adams.

来看看全家福的前排大图吧,Annette Bening坐在Jeff Bridges腿上,笑得何不拢嘴了都,旁边紧挨着的是Nicole Kidman 和 Amy Adams (来的果然都是重量级的“腕儿”。)


The nominees for best actress made friends (left-right): Natalie Portman, Michelle Williams, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicole Kidman and Annette Bening.

咔!来张“最佳电影女主角提名人”合照吧,从左往右依次是:Natalie Portman,Michelle Williams,Jennifer Lawrence,Nicole Kidman 和Annette Bening.


The dapper stars doing battle to be named best actor are (left-right): Javier Bardem, James Franco, Jesse Eisenberg, Colin Firth and Jeff Bridges.

二咔!此乃“最佳电影男主角提名人”合照,从左往右依次是:Javier Bardem,James Franco,Jesse Eisenberg,Colin Firth和Jeff Bridges。


Firth joined his co-star in The King"s Speech, Geoffrey Rush, who is nominated for best supporting actor. The King"s Speech leads the Academy Awards field with a total of 12 nominations.

这是Colin Firth和他在《国王的演讲》中的搭档Geoffrey Rush,Geoffrey Rush获得“最佳电影男配角提名” (Colin Firth获得“最佳电影男主角提名”)。在本次奥斯卡提名中,《国王的演讲》凭借12项提名一路领跑。

6.最佳女配角提名人之一Helena Bonham Carter

British actress Helena Bonham Carter is nominated for the best supporting actress award for her role as Queen Elizabeth, the future Queen Mother, in the same film. 

英国女演员Helena Bonham Carter凭借《国王的演讲》中伊丽莎白皇后一角获得“最佳电影女配角”提名。

7.Nicole Kidman凭《兔子洞》入围最佳女主角提名

Nicole Kidman has described her nomination for best actress for Rabbit Hole.

Nicole Kidman凭借电影《兔子洞》入围“最佳电影女主角”提名。

8.最提名人佳女主角Annette Bening和老公

Annette Bening, who starred opposite Julianne Moore in The Kids Are All Right, arrived at the event in Beverly Hills with husband Warren Beatty, who has had 14 Oscar nominations of his own during his career.

在《孩子们都很好》中与Julianne Moore出演对手戏的Annette Bening和老公Warren Beatty一同出席了本次午宴,据悉Warren Beatty出道至今已获得了14项奥斯卡提名。

9.Amy Adams凭借《斗士》入围最佳女配角提名

Amy Adams faced the cameras after receiving her third best supporting actress nomination in five years. She starred in boxing movie The Fighter.

电影《斗士》中的Amy Adams在五年内连续三次获得“最佳电影女配角”提名。

10.《大地惊雷》Jeff Bridges和Hailee Steinfeld

Jeff Bridges embraced his 14-year-old True Grit co-star in Hailee Steinfeld, who is up for best supporting actress. 

Jeff Bridges和他在《大地惊雷》中的搭档Hailee Steinfeld,Hailee此次获得“最佳电影女配角”提名。

相关热点: 电影世界 自我介绍模板


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