[献给爱丽丝]献给光明 献给挚爱的你:Lunatica - Song For You

英语四级报名时间 2020-08-01 18:04:44 英语四级报名时间
[摘要]沪江英乐讯    Lunatica,来自瑞典的女声叙事交响金属乐团,音乐气势恢宏而唯美,男女声对唱居然在神秘宏大的音乐气氛中渲染出一片浪漫和静谧之意,让人一时间误以为从黑暗的大地上升进了光明的殿堂。A文化娱乐英乐


沪江英乐讯    Lunatica,来自瑞典的女声叙事交响金属乐团,音乐气势恢宏而唯美,男女声对唱居然在神秘宏大的音乐气氛中渲染出一片浪漫和静谧之意,让人一时间误以为从黑暗的大地上升进了光明的殿堂。

Song:Song For You

You hold my hand when I tremble with fear
You bring me light when I burst out in tears
And now I want to thank you, dear, for all the things you"ve done
I can"t deny (that) you showed me the right way

For the light, for the love
For the truth in your eyes
I am grateful to have such a friend by my side
For the tears, for the joy
For not asking me why
We can hold our hands up and reach for the sky

You kept your faith when my words were untrue
You made me laugh when I was feeling blue
Always giving, never asking for more than a smile upon my face
Together we will conquer the whole world


(You) don"t have to worry
We"ll stay together all of our days
You can trust in my words, you can rely on me
And when dark clouds obscure the sky
I"ll be at your side
Until the weight on your shoulders fades away



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