
英语四级报名时间 2020-08-28 08:08:40 英语四级报名时间
[摘要]在这一年的雅思口语考试中出现了很多的具有借鉴意义的经典试题。究竟这些试题都是什么样子的呢,他们能给我们来年的雅思口语带来哪些借鉴呢?童年爱好P2 describe a hobby you enjoye




P2 describe a hobby you enjoyed in your childhood(what it was,when it started,what it involved,and explain why you like this hobby)

P3 What are Chinese people‘s hobbies now?

What are the children‘s hobbies in China? Is it good?

Do they have same hobbies with children in the past?

Who have more time, students or workers?

Do you think people have less free time?

Do you think people may have more free time in the future?

Who have more pressure, people who don"t work or work?

What do you want to do in your free time?

Do you think the citizens have more free time?

Do you want more free time?

How much free time you think it‘s good?

What is the difference of their free time?

What is the difference between the recent hobbies and old hobbies?

What is the difference between children‘s hobby past and now?

What are the positive effects of your hobby to the development of your study and work?

Describe a friend who had done something you admire


P2 describe a toy you had when you were a child(What it was, Who gave you, Where you usually played with it)(what it is,how it is played,who gave it to you, and explain what benefits you got from playing the toy)

P3 What is the difference between toys in the past and now?

Now the toys are more creative, do you think is good?

What is the difference between boys" toys and girls" toys?

What are the difference and relevance between toys and education?

Is there any toy you could share with your friends?

What is the difference of toy in city and in village?

Would you like to share your toys with others?

Do you think parents and children should play with toys together?

Now children spend more time to watch TV instead of playing with toys, do you think it is good?

Do you think electronic toys are good?

What is the benefit of educational toys to children‘s growth?

Do you think complicated toys are good for children?


P2 describe a naughty thing you did when you were a child

P3 Why do you think children will do something naughty?

Should children always do what they are told? give some examples.

What other naughty things you have done?

What is the negative influence if parents negatively influence their children?

What are the adults‘ responsibilities?

What are the differences between naughty things did by boys and girls?

Parents in today suffer more pressure than before. Do parents need training in today?



相关热点: 英语口语练习 英语学习资料 出国留学 雅思口语高分攻略 读书笔记


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