
bbc纪录片 2020-09-16 22:09:40 bbc纪录片
[摘要]BBC纪录片LifeHere in the Simien mountains of Ethioia,at a breathtaking altitude of 15,000 feet,lives a[db:cate]



Here in the Simien mountains of Ethioia,

at a breathtaking altitude of 15,000 feet,

lives a sureme aerial maestro.

The lammergeier.

This youngster glides on air currents rising from the mountain sloes below.

His nine-foot wingsan can carry him hundreds of miles a day

in search of animal carcasses, with recious little effort.

He watches out for other airborne scavengers,

like these griffon vultures.

They lead him to some commotion on the cliffs,

and maybe the chance to feed.

But this youngster is not the only lammergeier to sot the oortunity.

So too has this adult.

