【江苏省职业学校文化课教材英语】江苏省职业学校英语教材第一册Unit 1教案

英语教材 2020-09-22 12:05:42 英语教材
[摘要]Unit 1 Hello, Everyone!1 Lead-in: Greeting & Self-introduction with SsGive Ss useful expressions a[db:cate]


Unit 1. Hello, Everyone!

1. Lead-in: Greeting & Self-introduction with Ss

Give Ss useful expressions about greetings and introduction

Ex: Hello, My name is...

Nice to meet you

This is my friend/classmate...

ask Ss to greet with each other & introduce themselves to each other

ask Ss to introduce their new classmate to the rest of class

2. Warm-up:

1) Look at the pictures, complete the conversations with the correct sentences from the box

2) Learn the titles, role-play with your partner.

3. Listening & Speaking (A)

1) Listen & guess their relationship

2) Listen again, underline greetings & introductions

Useful expressions


How are you? 你好吗?

Nice to meet you (适用于第一次见面)很高兴见到你。

Nice to see you again (适用于曾经见过,但不太熟的人)很高兴再见到你。

How have you been? (适用于有一阵子没见面的朋友) 你过得怎么样?

Long time no see (适用于很久没见的朋友)好久不见

How is it going? 近况如何。

How’s everything with you? 你的一切如何?

Hi! Are you having fun? 嗨,你过得愉快吗?

How have you been (feeling)? 你近来如何?

So far so good到目前还好。

3) word/media/image1.pngword/media/image2.pngUse the expressions to introduce yourself to your partner.

4) Complete conversation in group of 3.

4. Further Reading: greetings around the world.

How do people in different countries greet each other?

Try to act each way of greeting.

5. Listening & Speaking (B)

5) New words

6) Listen & complete card

7) Listen again, T/F, why

8) Ask & answer following questions with a partner, write down information, and design a student ID for your partner. 拿着同桌设计的学生证到讲台进行自我介绍。

6. Reading & Writing

1) New words

2) What do you like best? Name a few things that you like. Read the passage to find out what jenny likes

3) How does Jenny spend her money? Write category in correct place in the pie chart.

4) Read the passage again & circle the correct answer.

5) 课文解析(Notes

6) Find out what each statement is about.

7) Write a short passage about yourself. 仿照课文,根据自己的情况写一篇短文,并画出饼形图。

7. Language in use

A. Phonetics

B. Grammar: 语法:疑问句的构成及其应答

1. 一般疑问句

陈述句改成一般疑问句时,将am, is, are, do, does 移至句首,以yesno回答。


A: Are you from Germany?

B: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.


2. 特殊疑问句

1) 特殊疑问句用于询问特定信息,其构成如下:

疑问词 + am/is/are + 主语 + 其余成分?

疑问词 + do/does + 主语 + 其余成分?


Where are you from?

When do you want the book?

2) 疑问词汇总

3) Complete conversations and practice with partner.

4) Write 5 Qs & interview 2 classmates.

C. Vcabulary

5) Members of family tree

6) Complete sentences

8. Real life skills

Create e-mail account.


word/media/image3.png word/media/image4.png word/media/image5.png word/media/image6.png word/media/image7.png word/media/image8.png word/media/image9.png word/media/image10.png word/media/image11.png word/media/image12.png word/media/image13.png word/media/image14.png word/media/image15.png word/media/image16.png word/media/image17.png


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