
英语作文万能句子 2023-12-29 22:42:09 英语作文万能句子
[摘要]    作文(composition)是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。作文分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。以下是小编整理的钦佩袁隆平的英语作文范文(通用3篇),欢迎阅读与收藏。



第1篇: 钦佩袁隆平的英语作文

 Who will feed China in the 21st century? This is a sharp proposition put forward by American economist Gordon Brown in the 1990s. "Relying on scientific and technological progress can feed the Chinese people." Yuan Longping answered this question with a resounding scientific achievement.

  Yuan Longping, flat head, small face, rustic. And it is this unattractive old man, with his unremitting efforts and amazing talent, in the ancient land to create extraordinary miracles. At present, in China, half of the rice fields are sown with his hybrid rice, and 60% of the annual rice harvest comes from his hybrid rice seeds. What are the forces that bind the fate of one person and positively influence the fate of hundreds of millions of people? What is the force that makes him persist in the research of hybrid rice and finally achieve success?

  When it comes to super hybrid rice, the inarticulate Yuan Longping has a long story to tell. When others asked him the secret of success, he gave a pithy answer with "knowledge + sweat + inspiration + opportunity".

  Facing the future, Yuan Longpingren is full of dreams, he hopes that hybrid rice from the current world rice area of 10% to 20%, to achieve a total increase of 30 million tons, and truly benefit all mankind. Yuan Longping used scientific knowledge in the ancient land of China to round the dream of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, and realized a myth that shocked the world.

  I sincerely admire him - a science and technology to benefit mankind grandpa Yuan Longping.

第2篇: 钦佩袁隆平的英语作文





第3篇: 钦佩袁隆平的英语作文





You can see your hard work in the fruitful rice fields, the rice-scented barns, and the green research rooms. You are always smiling and grinning, because China"s rice industry is growing stronger. You see us happily eating delicious rice, always showing a happy smile. When I saw you, I also showed a happy smile.

"Grain is like gold. Don"t worry about grain." Because of the "super hybrid rice" developed by you, China has gradually become the country with the largest grain reserves in the world. When you were young, you vowed to feed every Chinese. Now, your oath has become a word that touches the hearts of billions of people. Because of your contribution to the food cause, if China fights with other countries, food will become a "weapon". The "weapon" you developed is powerful!

"Food is life, and knowledge saves the soul." Because of your profound knowledge, we developed hybrid rice, and saved countless lives. "I say I have always had two dreams: the first dream is the dream of enjoying the cool in Hexia, which is the dream of pursuing high and higher yield of rice; the second dream is the dream of hybrid rice covering the world. I have always worked hard to make my dream come true, and I hope to work with you to jointly realize these two dreams." I believe that in the near future, the people behind you will certainly realize these two dreams, including me, I will also work hard to realize these two great dreams. Have a good rest.

"What falls is leftovers, and what flows away is sweat." It is you, who use a piece of sweat to grow fragrant rice and cook hot rice. After understanding your contribution to rice, I really understand that "blood and sweat flow away". You have been fighting and worrying for food all your life. When you go to the supermarket, you see that the people"s rice price is stable, and you leave happily. You were so happy and happy. I ate every grain of rice in my bowl today, and my family and friends didn"t waste food. I think you must be very happy to see it?


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