
职场商务 2019-11-02 12:07:50 职场商务
[摘要]How to Get Others to Help youInevitably, as you try to take initiative you will need the help of oth


How to Get Others to Help you

Inevitably, as you try to take initiative you will need the help of others. Getting this help may have less to do with your formal position and authority and more to do with your strategy and approach, which can range from a simple favor to convincing others to accept a priority of yours as if it were their own.


Define what needs to be done.
Fuzzy goals lead to fuzzy results. By defining all the tasks required, you increase the likelihood of success. Be sure to include status reports and deadlines as you define specific action items that are needed.


Ask an individual for help.
When you make a general request for volunteers during a meeting, colleagues often interpret it as "Whoever doesn"t have much of anything to do can work on this." Your chances of getting someone to volunteer thus tend to be slim. However, if you think about who might best be able to help with a task and then specifically ask that person for help, your odds of getting him or her to accept the task increase dramatically.

如果你在会上笼统地问是否有人愿意帮助,同事们经常会将此理解为"没有什么事可做的人可以参与"。这样你获得自愿者帮助的机会就比较渺茫。但是,如果你考虑好谁最能胜任完成某一工作,然后就去找这个人, 那你争取他或她接受工作的几率就要大得多。

Thank others for their assistance.
Always thank and acknowledge others for their help. The person will feel that his or her time and energy were appreciated. In addition, you will likely be able to call on the person again in the future for assistance. But remember that return the favor when he or she needs your help. Such reciprocal behavior could lead to a valuable alliance.


Distribute the kudos.
If you"re congratulated for a job well done, let your supervisors know who helped you do it. Giving credit where credit is due will not only ingratiate you with your benefactors, but it will impress the bosses into considering you for future promotion. After all, the best managers remain those who are best at getting others to help them complete their work for the common good.



1.reciprocal  adj. 相互的,互惠的
2.kudos  n. [口]名声,威信
3.ingratiate you with someone 使你得到某人的欢心
4.benefactor  n. 赞助人


相关热点: 职场心态法则 英语四级听力训练


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