
职场商务 2019-11-05 08:08:26 职场商务
[摘要]If youre concerned about protecting your job, its important to take steps to raise your profile W


If you"re concerned about protecting your job, it"s important to take steps to raise your profile. While you don"t need to brag about your on-the-job achievements in order to get noticed, increasing your visibility does require some self-promotional savvy. The following tactics will help you attract attention for all the right reasons:

Go public with your ideas.

Is your brain brimming with bright ideas that could help your firm generate revenues, cut expenses, or streamline work functions? You can"t afford to keep them to yourself. Be bold by pitching your solutions to management and speaking up in meetings and brainstorming sessions. Remember that when times are tough, confident communicators, innovative thinkers, and smart risk-takers are in demand; timid wallflowers are not.

Keep your skills current.

From attending brown bag training workshops to getting involved with your company"s mentoring program, take advantage of the professional development opportunities your employer offers. In addition, join industry associations, attend conferences and seminars, seek relevant certifications, and read specialized publications to keep up with the latest developments in your field. The key is to leverage your knowledge by sharing information and insights with your boss and coworkers. Being regarded as a go-to expert will significantly enhance your job security.

Consistently convey your value.

If you work tirelessly behind the scenes but shy away from the spotlight, it"s time to take center stage. The truth is that hunkering down and quietly doing quality work might not be enough in today"s recessionary times. You need to promote yourself, too. Tactfully toot your own horn by periodically apprising your manager of your successes. You"ll add punch to your status updates if you quantify your contributions, linking your efforts to any positive impact they"ve had on the bottom line.

Make your networking efforts an "inside job."

Many professionals think of networking only in terms of developing outside connections. But expanding your reach within your own firm is just as critical. Strive to establish strong relationships with colleagues throughout your workplace. Sign up for cross-departmental initiatives, attend company-sponsored events, and generally endeavor to be an outgoing and helpful team player. As the saying goes, people like to work with people they like. The more allies you have in your corner, the better your chances of keeping your job.

Finally, make a name for yourself by standing up when others step back.

Be the first person to raise your hand when your manager needs someone to take the lead on a challenging new project -- even if the assignment falls outside the confines of your job description. It might require you to move beyond your comfort zone, but displaying drive and initiative can pay big dividends. You"ll not only hone valuable leadership skills and discover untapped talents, but you"ll also build a reputation as an indispensable employee.


相关热点: 动词时态


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