
英语阅读 2020-01-15 23:04:13 英语阅读
[摘要]诙谐的语言,生动的内容一分钟快速掌握科技最新动态 本期节目音频下载Call Me Melville, Based On New Word Use Thieves may leave fingerpr




Call Me Melville, Based On New Word Use 

Thieves may leave fingerprints at the scene of a crime. But does an author leave a metaphorical fingerprint on the book? The answer may be yes, according to a study published in the New Journal of Physics.


Swedish physicists investigated how frequently authors use new words in their writing. This, they say, offers clearly identifiable patterns. The research goes against a belief held for more than 75 years that there"s a sort of universality to how frequently authors use new words.


Researchers analyzed books by Thomas Hardy, D.H. Lawrence, and Herman Melville. They looked at full novels, parts of novels, and a mishmash of an author"s work. In each case, they found a regular, and distinct, pattern of how frequently each writer used new words.


Of course, the frequency of new words used drops off in longer novels, but the patterns of the drop-off differed and were specific to each of the three authors. The researchers call this concept a meta book-a kind of personal code that would fit any book or any work an author ever writes. Seems like to understand writers" complete works, you have to analyze their complete words.

当然,在长篇小说中,这种使用新词的频率会下降,但即使是频率的下降模式也各不相同,为三位作家所特有。研究人员将这一概念称为"隐性作品"(meta book) -- 一种个人密码,适用于一名作家写过的任何一本书或一部著作。这么看来,要想完全了解作家们的作品,你必须先彻底分析其遣词用字。


-Karen Hopkin



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