【白色圣诞节 百度影音】白色圣诞节

英语阅读 2020-01-30 12:41:15 英语阅读
[摘要]This is AP News Minute ____1____ The residents and officials (are) saying to be taking that all in


This is AP News Minute.

____1____. The residents and officials (are) saying to be taking that all in stride. Several people gathered in New York Central Park Sunday morning for snowball fights and other winter games.

And in the mean time, travelers are trying to get home for Christmas, more having its much fun. Airports struggled to get back the normal cooperation Sunday as crews remove huge amount of snows from the runways. Some passengers at Reagan National Airport in Washintong were told ____2____.

The U.S. transferred a dozen Guantanamo detainees to Afghanistan, Yemen and the Somaliland over the weekend. The move comes as the Obama administration ____3____. Just about 200 detainees remain at Gitmo, half of them will be moved to a prison in Illinois.

Actress Brittany Murphy has died. Murphy ____4____ films such as Clueless and Eight-Mile. She was 32.


Ross Simpson, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.



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