
英语阅读 2020-01-31 17:06:09 英语阅读
[摘要]A used book or nearly-new kitchen gadget may not be at the top of every Christmas wish list, but har


A used book or nearly-new kitchen gadget may not be at the top of every Christmas wish list, but hard economic times coupled with a new greenawareness are changing attitudes about gift-giving in France.

French holiday shoppers are opting in larger numbers for "green" gifting this Christmas, studies show.

About 30 percent of French consumers will give second-hand items as gifts to stretch out their tight budgets but also to do their little bit forrecycling, according to a study by international consulting firmDeloitte.

The survey of Christmas consumer behaviours in 18 European countries foundthe French were more than twice as likely as other Europeans to give second-hand items, making France a pioneer in the trend.

Websites promoting re-gifting and green gifting are flourishing in France, with many reporting a rise in business.

"Concerns about the ecology and the economy have come together and we are nowseeing people who accept the types of gifts that were not appreciated just a short time ago," said Sebastien Ravut, who runs a website promoting eco-friendly consumerism.

His site lists shops in France that offer fair trade products, bio-friendly goods and recycled items. Over the Christmas holidays, the number of visits to the site has doubled from last year, reaching 60,000 permonth.

A study by online survey firm Vivodi for PriceMinister showed eight out of 10 people would be happy to receive a used item as a gift and that younger consumers were more open to the idea.

But Gilles Goldenberg, author of the Deloitte study, cautioned that environmental concerns are not the overriding consideration when buying used goods.

"The number one concern is getting the lowest possible price," said Goldenberg. "Eco-friendly products are drawing a lot of interest, butnot if that means paying more."

The atretickets and other low-carbon gifts are in vogue, and eco-friendly websites are also encouraging gift givers to offer time and services instead of stuff.

"Theorder of the day is to spend less time shopping and more timeconnecting" over the holidays, said Florence de Monclin from theNicolas Hulot foundation for Nature and Humanity.

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