
职场商务 2020-02-27 15:29:21 职场商务
[摘要]No occupation is immune to an annoying co-worker who has the unparalleled ability to take a pleasant


No occupation is immune to an annoying co-worker who has the unparalleled ability to take a pleasant work environment and turn it into an excruciating experience for everyone else.

We don"t want you to be the person everyone secretly hates, here"s a checklist of annoying behavior for your reference.

No. 1: You give more advice than a newspaper columnist.

Why it"s annoying:
You are not the office sage. If people ask for your advice, feel free to give it. But constantly offering unsolicited advice is basically like telling everyone that they"re not living up to your expectations.

No. 2: You can"t let go of the good old days.

Why it"s annoying:
Workplaces change. Blame it on technology, the economy or management. What matters is how easily you adapt to these changes. If you"re constantly talking about how you used to do things at your last job or when the old boss was in charge, people will wonder why you stick around. The new boss might even think you"re better off working somewhere else and let you go.

No. 3: It"s not HBO. It"s an office.
办公室不是电影频道。(HBO:Home Box Office,美国最大的电影频道)

Why it"s annoying:
Some people forget that controversial topics and colorful language make for great cable TV, but they don"t make for appropriate workplace conversation. If you"re telling a story that would make Tony Soprano blush, either tone it down or save it for happy hour with only your closest colleagues.
有人也许忘了,有争议性的话题和带“色”的语句虽然能在电视上引起轰动,但却不适合在工作的地方大谈特谈。如果你讲的故事让同事Tony Soprano(Soprano是西班牙姓氏)感到不好意思,你最好委婉一点,或者等到空闲时跟关系更亲密的同事讲。

No. 4: You always rely on the kindness of strangers -- and co-workers and administrative assistants and the mail clerk.

Why it"s annoying:
Important people with fancy titles are often helpless when it comes to faxing documents or working the copy machine. They have assistants for that. You probably don"t have an assistant, and that means you are responsible for taking care of everyday tasks like putting more paper in the copier. You"re bound to have questions the first few times you do it, but you"re just being lazy if you refuse to learn how to do these things on your own.

No. 5: You have an even better story. You always have a better story.

Why it"s annoying:
Isn"t it fun when co-workers share? It"s a fun way to bond. Even if your stories are better, don"t feel the need to share them all the time. You look petty and people have stopped listening long ago.

No. 6: You smell like a walking bag of potpourri.

Why it"s annoying:
On behalf of everyone who has ever worked next to a co-worker who smells like he just ran a marathon, we thank you for trying not to smell bad. Too much cologne or perfume, however, can be just as bad. It singes our nose hairs, makes our eyes water and distracts us just the same. Plus, allergy sufferers will probably get a headache the moment you walk through the doors.

No. 7: The subject line of an e-mail is the entire message.

Why it"s annoying:
Putting all the content of an e-mail in the subject line and having nothing in the body is annoying because the recipient probably has to keep scrolling to the right just to see what you"re trying to say. Plus, most people glance at the subject and then expect to get the meat of the e-mail in the body. If there"s nothing there it"s just confusing.

No. 8: "OK"

Why it"s annoying:
If your entire response to someone"s e-mail is "Ok," then you probably didn"t need to respond at all. You should have at least taken the time to type a few extra letters so it reads "Thanks for letting me know." People are taking the time to read your message, so make it worth their while.

No. 9: You can"t wait until the day is over. Every day.

Why it"s annoying: At one time or another, people are fed up and want to go home. Nevertheless, don"t broadcast your disgust with work every chance you get. Negativity gets on people"s nerves and calls your work ethic into question.

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