
专四专八 2020-08-13 18:05:11 专四专八
[摘要]童鞋们注意啦:本期节目新加了10个普通词汇,大家看看是不是都记住了呢?没有记住的童鞋也不要落后,现在记住还来得及呢~1 pounce:v 猛扑,忽然攫住pounce on 急忙抓住2 precipi英语考试专四专八



1.pouncev. 猛扑,忽然攫住

pounce on 急忙抓住

2.precipitatev. 1. 使突然发生2. 猛然抛下2. 使沉淀n. 沉淀物

Falling sales precipitated the failure of the company.(销售额下降促使该公司倒闭。)

3.precludev. 阻止,排除

We try to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding.(我们努力排除任何误解的可能性。)

4.predicamentn. 困境,穷途

5.prematurea. 1. 提前的2. 早熟的3.仓促的

A fire caused the premature closing of the exhibition.(火灾迫使展览会提前结束。)

6.prenatala. 出生前的,胎儿期的

7.prerequisiten. 先决条件,前提

8.presidiumn. 常务委员会,主席团

9.pretentiousa. 1. 自负的2. 做作的

It sounds a bit pretentious.(这听上去有些狂妄。)

10.pron. 赞成的论点或理由

the pros andcons赞成和反对的两方面的意见


1.slugv. 重击,猛打

I raised a fist to slug Eddie.(我举拳重击埃迪。)

I raised a fist to slug Eddie.(我举拳重击埃迪。)

2. sluggisha. 1. 无精打采的2. (商业)不景气的,清淡的

This humid heat makes you feel rather sluggish.(这种湿热的天气使人感到懒洋洋的。)

3.slumn. 贫民区

4.slumberv. & n. 睡眠,沉睡

The baby slumbered in his cradle.(那婴儿安然地睡在摇篮中。)

5.slurv. 1. 含糊不清地念或说2. 诋毁,诽谤n. 中伤

You could tell from his slurred speech that he was drunk.(从他那含糊不清的话语中你就知道他喝醉了。)

6.slya. 1. 狡猾的2. 淘气的

on the sly 秘密地,偷偷地

7.smogn. 烟雾

8.smotherv. 1. 使窒息2. 覆盖,笼罩3. 忍住

Don"t put that cloth over the baby"s face, you"ll smother him!(不要把布盖在那个婴儿脸上, 会使他窒息的!)

9.smoulderv. 焖烧

The mat was smouldering where the burning log had fallen.(燃烧的木棒落下的地方垫子慢慢燃烧起来。)

10.smudgen. 污点v. 弄脏

The signature was smudged.(签名被弄污了。)


相关热点: 英语专业八级考试 英语词汇 二年级英语


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