【goodreader】【Good Job! 职场英语】第六章:认识公司架构

商务英语 2020-08-14 12:08:02 商务英语
[摘要]Unit 6 Learning about your company’s organization 认识公司架构Key terms1 organization chart——a visual rep生活实用职场&商务英语


Unit 6 Learning about your company’s organization 认识公司架构

Key terms

1. organization chart——a visual representation of a company’s hierarchy and structure 架构图

2. to be accountable to——to answer to, to be held responsible for your actions 向……说明;对……负责

3. as-needed basis——not scheduled but occurring only when necessary 有需要时

4. heads up——in this case, “heads up” means notice or update. Also, an advance warning or a warning message 告知

5. to wrap-up——a concluding or fi nal action; to fi nish something 结束

6. to kick-off——to begin something; to inaugurate or commence offi cially 开始

7. CEO (Chief Executive Officer)——as the top boss, the CEO is ultimately responsible for the success or failure of the business. He or she provides overall strategic direction for the fi rm and makes decisions about the company’s direction. The CEO is accountable to the board of directors 首席执行官;总裁

Randal is talking to his supervisor, Lawrence, about the company’s organization.

Lawrence: Here’s our organization chart, Randal. As you can see, in the end we are all accountable to the Board of Directors. Glenn Wilson deals with them most of the time, and Penelope Granger handles more of the operations side of things.

Randal: OK.

Lawrence: Anne Handley manages our group. I meet with her every week and with Joyce Sterne a little less often. Anne, Joyce and I meet with Yu-Fong on an as-needed basis to give her a heads up on what’s happening in our departments. She’s got the fi nal say on what happens in our department.

Randal: Does she ever meet with the rest of the staff?

Lawrence: Yes, occasionally she will come to one of our program wrap-up or kickoff meetings. You’ll meet her before too long.

Randal: Oh, good.

Lawrence: Here is the HR set up. You’ll have met our HR contact, Sarah. Her boss is Barry, but you’ll probably never need to meet with him. Sarah does a good job of taking care of us. And I think that’s that. Do you have any questions about our setup here?

Randal: No, I don’t think so. Thanks for showing me this.

Sample Sentences 

A. Describing positions

1. The budget manager oversees and approves budgets
for company projects.

2. Human resources handles hiring and fi ring employees and administrating benefi ts.

3. The regional managers are responsible for all of the company’s projects in their region.

4. Program analysts work on individual projects with research assistants.

5. Marketing Manager Yu-Tian Han establishes marketing strategies and oversees all staff and
activities in the marketing department.

B. Describing relationships

6. CEO Glenn Wilson is accountable to the Board of Directors.

7. The fi nance director, business development director, international relations director, and human resources director all report to the CEO.

8. The international relations director has the last word on all health projects in every region.

9. How many staff work under the budget manager?

10. Where do account manager fall in the hierarchy?


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