
英语四级答案 2020-09-11 22:09:55 英语四级答案
[摘要]Well dressing is the art of decorating (dressing) wells, springs or other water sources with picture


Well dressing is the art of decorating (dressing) wells, springs or other water sources with pictures made of growing things.水井装饰节是一个用植物图片来装饰水井、泉水或者其他水源地的艺术节。

This ancient custom is popular all over Derbyshire and is thought to date back to the Celts or even earlier.这个古老的习俗在德比郡各处都十分受欢迎,据说起源于凯尔特人时代,甚至更早。


The wells are dressed with large framed panels decorated with elaborate mosaic-like pictures made of flower petals, seeds, grasses, leaves, tree bark, berries and moss.水井用带有边框的大装饰板来装饰。装饰板上有精美的类似镶嵌的装饰图案,图案包括花瓣、种子、草地、树叶、树皮、浆果和苔藓。

Wooden trays are covered with clay, mixed with water and salt.木质托盘用混合着水和盐的泥土覆盖。


Well-dressings are beautiful and delicate and take a lot of work to make, and yet they only last for a few days.水井井装饰十分漂亮精美,需要花大量心思,却只能持续几天而已。

After the well dressing is erected next to the well it is blessed in a short outdoor service.井装饰紧挨着水井竖立好后,会举行一个短暂的室外祈祷仪式,井装饰会受到赐福。


Eyam, like many of the towns and villages, has several wells and a a short procession from well to well is carried out during the blessing of the wells.就像其他城镇和村庄一样,伊玛有几口井。水井祷告仪式从一口井传到另一口井。

The well dressing season spans from May through to late September.水井装饰季从五月延续到九月末。




相关热点: 出国留学 英语文化 六级听力


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