
商务英语 2020-09-16 22:09:40 商务英语
[摘要]What is important when job-sharing?As we all know, job-sharing with less work stress and have more f[db:cate]


What is important when job-sharing?

As we all know, job-sharing with less work stress and have more free time. However, what is important when job-sharing? As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to find someone you like as your partner. Only when you find someone you like can you have more passion and strength to work. Whats moreorganize and plan how you share the work is also important . You need careful planning to play to each others different strengths. You also need to share the work responsibility in equality. Besides, communication is also an important factor to consider when job-sharing .You should try your best to communicate with your partner .As long as you all communicate well, everything will be solved more easily. At last but not least, you must learn to coordinate with the other person.

All in all, to find someone you like as your partnerorganize and plan the work communication and coordinate with the other person are important when job-sharing.

What is important when working from home?

As we all know, working from home with less work stress and have more time with children. However, what is important when working from home? As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to set up office space in the house. Only by doing this can you have a good environment to work. In a good space to work, you can more relax and efficiently. It"s a good idea to set a timetable to plan your working hours and your breaks. So you can have a regular hours to work and relax. What’s more, you also should keep your cellphone is on so that your colleagues and client can reach you as though you are in office. At last but not least, you must learn to refuse some friends" invite when you are working. Such as go shopping and for lunching.

All in all, to set up office space, set a timetable keep your cellphone is on and refuse some friends" invite is important when work from home.

What is important when setting up your own business?

As we all know, if you are a sole trader then you are self-employed and set up on your own. On one hand, you take all the profit, on the other hand, if you go bankrupt, you will lose everything. However, what is important when setting up your own business? As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to add plenty business experience before setting up your own business .When you have plenty of experience ,you can understand many challenges in this and make correct decisions. Besides, a brave heart and positive attitude is also an important factor .Because when setting up your own business, you will face many kinds of difficulties and challenges. But you must to face them and to overcome them. At last but not least, you should knowing your customers well.You can hand out some questionnaires to find out what the customers want and need.

All in all, plenty business experiencea brave heart and positive attitude and knowing your customers well is important when setting up your own business .

What is important when your business is a partnership?

As everybody knows that partnership means that you are self-employed and start the business with another person .On one hand, you share the pressure, on the other hand, you might disagree on strategy. However, what is important when your business is a partnership? As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to find someone you like as your partner. Only when you find someone you like can you have more passion and strength to work. Whats moreorganize and plan how you share the work is also important . You need careful planning to play to each others different strengths. You also need to share the work responsibility in equality. Besides, communication is also an important factor to consider when job-sharing .You should try your best to communicate with your partner. As long as you all communicate well, everything will be solved more easily. At last but not least, you must learn to coordinate with the other person.

All in all, to find someone you like as your partnerorganize and plan the business work communication and coordinate with the other person are important when your business is a partnership.

What is important when placing a newspaper advert?

As we all know, newspaper advert is a kind of advert which is convenient and cheap. Every day we can find many kinds of newspaper advert .However, what is important when placing a newspaper advert? As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to make sure your target customers can focus on your advert .So you should choose appropriate type of newspaper to place your advert .Only by doing this can you attract more target customers to read your advert. What’s more, it"s a good idea to buy a big page to outstand your advert. Though, it will spend more money. But it will contribute to more people find you advert easily. At last but not least, you should make full preparations when you decide to placing a newspaper advert .You should modify the advert information again and again so that they are totally correct and perfect.

All in all, make sure your target customers can focus on your advert, buy a big page to outstand your advert and modify the advert information is important when placing a newspaper advert.

What is important when selecting applicants for a job?

As we all know, everyday there many employers are selecting applicants for their company .However, what is important when selecting applicants for a job? As far as I am concerned, the first thing is the applicants" personal qualities. Applicants who have good personality can serve the company better. They can obey the rules of company well. What"s more, the first impression of the applicants is also significant. Though there is an English saying like this: Don’t judge a person by his appearance. However, the facial and gesture can show the applicants ‘attitude. And we can through their performance at present to know whether they make full preparation. At last but not least, we can ask them whether have previous experience of the job they apply for. Because if they have experience then they can be involved in this job more quickly.

All in all, the applicants" personal qualities, the first impression of the applicants and previous experience is important when selecting applicants for a job.

What is important when arranging in-house training?

As we all know, in-house training is a common way of training.

Maybe many people think it"s easy to arrange in-house training. In fact, there are many things you must consider when arranging in-house training. As far as I am concerned, The first thing is the training needs of staff. The object of training is the staff. Only when we know and meet their requirements, can we improve their knowledge and skills needed for higher quality performance and more effective work. Otherwise, it will be purposeless and a waste of time.

The second thing to remember is the quality and influence of the trainer. To make the training effective, the trainer plays a very important role. A qualified trainer with great influence can make the training more professional, appealing and convincing. Since most staff nowadays are quite busy, they will not attend a training offered by an obscure, inexperienced and non-professional trainer.

In addition to that, length of training should be well-planned. It cannot be too long or too short. A lengthy training may be tedious and exhaustive; while too short training may be fruitless.


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