
英语作文万能句子 2023-09-15 17:42:59 英语作文万能句子




The annual Mid Autumn Festival finally arrived. The children in the yard and I happily prepared various programs to celebrate this traditional festival. Unexpectedly, it happened to be Uncle Xu"s birthday. The executives of the whole company and all of us were going to celebrate his birthday in the hotel and spend the festival together. It became a double happiness.

With exquisite dishes and blessings, the whole hotel is very lively. I feel very comfortable. I sit at the table and enjoy this delicious food. After dinner, I ate a lot of attractive fruits and moon cakes of various flavors. After we had enough to eat, while waiting for our parents, our children began a hotel walk and found that we were tired. We lay on the windowsill and waited for the moon to rise in the sky. Look! It rose from the East, first yellow and orange, slowly passed through a lock of smoke like white clouds, and slowly moved to the sky. Suddenly, its color turned white, like the silver plate on the table.

After the banquet, we walked out of the hotel one after another. A gust of autumn wind blew and made me shiver. It was really an autumn rain and a cold! It"s only rained two times. It"s so cold at night. It"s autumn. It"s chilly! Looking up at the sky, I saw that in the blue sky, the moon was like a large transparent jade plate, and several gauze clouds floated over, which decorated the moon very charming and unpredictable. It seems that you can see sister Chang"e and the lovely jade rabbit in the Moon Palace. The twinkling stars in the night sky surround the moon, as if listening to the ancient and beautiful legend.

When we got home, we didn"t have enough meaning. Several of our children took advantage of the faint light of the moon and started our festival celebration program in the yard. I told a story about the Mid Autumn Festival, and she told another one. Everyone took turns telling stories, and we played again when we were tired. We didn"t go home until ten o"clock. When I came home with a happy mood, the round moon quietly followed me home.

Tonight"s dinner filled my mouth, and tonight"s moon filled my eyes. It really made me forget to return. The Mid Autumn Festival is happy, a symbol of reunion and full of joy. We all spent this unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival together!


Today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival. After dinner early, my father and I went to our campus to enjoy the moon, because the campus is quiet and open, and we can see it clearly. When the moon rises slowly from the horizon, the light of the moon shines on the green lawn, making the lawn covered with a layer of silver "clothes". The color around the moon is white with a little red, giving people a mysterious feeling.

In the campus, we see the moon as white as jade through the dense branches and leaves; If the shadow is present, people"s mood becomes very comfortable. My father looked at the moon and said: every year is "the moon of 15 is 16 circles", but this year is not like this. After such an opportunity, I have to wait another eight years to see the moon of 15. It"s 15 circles, ah! I stared at my father in surprise. Dad then said: if you can stand on the top of Zijin Mountain, you will see the moon very big and round, and you will see it more clearly. Dad then took out his camera and took some pictures of the big moon hanging in the air. One even lit the street lamp. When I compared the moon with the street lamp, I saw that the moon was brighter than the street lamp. The moon gradually climbed up, and the white moon gradually became brighter. I looked at the white moon and said: the moon on August 15 this year is really big and round! This reminds me of a poem in ancient times, Gu Lang Yue Xing: I don"t know the moon when I am young, call it a white jade plate, and doubt the remote mirror; Flying in the blue clouds. In this bright moonlight, I seem to hear the tune of "water melody singing head", which reminds me of the great poet Su Shi hundreds of years ago. It"s a pity that he can"t go home and reunite with his family on such a day once a year because he has obtained fame and became an official in a different place.

Looking at the students who come and go away from home to study on campus, I can"t help thinking of people who can"t go back on this full moon night. It"s a pity. I hurried forward, hugged my father"s waist and walked to the community where we lived, urging him to go home as soon as possible.


As we all know, August 15 is the annual Mid Autumn Festival and the full moon festival.

It was said that the full moon festival was the name of the ancients. The reason why it was called the full moon festival was that the ancients looked at the moon every day for a long time. They found that the moon would be particularly round on August 15 every year, so they named the moon full moon festival.

Tonight, our family sat by the window watching the moon, eating moon cakes and chatting about the legend of moon cakes:

The Cowherd and the weaving girl had three children. After the weaver girl left, the cowherd decided to find the weaver girl. But he could only take two children, so he left the youngest at home and took the two children on the road to find weaver girl. The child gradually grew up, but it became a joke for others. Others laughed that he was a child without parents. When the boy ran to the stream, an immortal in the sky saw it. Because he had pity on him, he came down to comfort the little boy and gave him a pair of cloud climbing shoes. He said to the little boy that when the moon is at its full circle on August 15, wearing these shoes, he can see his mother in heaven! The boy was very happy. He took the shoes and ran home.

On the night of August 15, the child put on his shoes and really flew up and saw his mother. His mother made a small moon with flour, honey, oil, sesame and red dates, and the child ate it in big gulps. Unfortunately, the time is so short! The Jade Emperor didn"t like his nephew very much, so he asked the dragon to take off his child"s shoes and send the child back to the world. 20 years later, the child became a senior official and gave the things his mother made to him to the common people and named them "moon cakes". Everyone eats moon cakes on August 15 every year.

This is a legend I saw in a book. It was told to my family on August 15. They all thought it was very interesting“ It"s eight o"clock, it"s eight o"clock! Look at the party on August 15! " Mom said. I was dazzled by wonderful programs. We ate delicious moon cakes and recalled legends. How beautiful it is! At this time, there was the sound of fireworks outside the window. My sister and I ran to the window and looked at the exploded fireworks: some were like a flower, some were like a lantern, and others were like countless twinkling stars. They dotted the dark blue night sky, added many colors and brought us joy!

Unconsciously, I fell asleep! This is really a happy and rich Mid Autumn Festival!


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