
英语作文 2023-11-28 00:13:43 英语作文




One day on his way to school,he saw a little girl crossing the road. A car was coming towards her quickly and the girl was too frightened to move. The car nearly hit her. Just then X rushed up to her and caught her by the arm. The little girl was saved. She told him where she lived,and he took her home. When X hurried into the classroom,the teacher had already begun his lesson. He told the teacher why he was late. He was then praised for what he had done.


One can"t do all the jobs and complete all the things by himself,and a cooperation and a help are needed.Looking back,we can know the history of human beings is a history of helping each other.

First,helping others is essential,as one"s ability is limited and can"t finish everything.We needs a help in order to do the thing well.

Second,to help others means to help ourselves.We can"t live in a single world.When we help others in trouble someday,they will do us a favor in return.

On the contrary,if we don"t offer a help,we won"t get a help.Third,helping others is not only a good quality,but also a happy thing.

We can get much happiness by helping others.

Friends,don"t grudge your love or help,for helping others is just helping yourselves .


In school, I work very hard and I rank in the top of my class. Therefore, my classmates would like to ask me some questions about study when they do not ask for teachers. I like helping others.

Firstly, when others need help, I want to give them a hand. They come to me, because they trust me. This makes me happy.

Secondly, I can get help from others, too. Once you did some favors to them, they are more likely to help you.

Finally, helping others is helping myself, too. When I solve problems, I get improvement at the same time.


Everyone has got into trouble, then you need most is others to help you. If everyone can contribute a little love, will no longer will look to others get help anxiously face oboro. We should take them for example, helpful

He said the PLA men lei feng! He should become our example, although very young by accident, but he gave his life was born a great life and died a glorious! Lei feng"s uncle has many good deed, like good seats, that is the norm.

Once, lei feng"s uncle to train on the train, he found an old lady was anxious, restless, lei feng"s uncle walk slowly past, ask: "old woman, what can I do for you?" The old woman still worried of say: "I see," said tickets and his search. Lei feng"s uncle, without a ticket to go quickly, and bought a ticket to old woman, the old lady very grateful to him. Some passengers said he was "fools" uncle, lei feng was laughed and said: "I"d rather be such a fool." Lei feng"s uncle, but he often do not often do a good deed. Once an old uncle thunder feng, help push carts, his car was tired after working, the old nurse just want to thank he asked: "what"s your name, please?" Lei feng"s uncle say with smile: "I is old, people still. Bye!" Finish nasty joy.don "run".

If everyone as lei feng"s uncle so helpful, just like golden thread will all every are connected, the most beautiful, the most precious is the necklace. Let every one of us don"t mean god gave us a loving, because it is inexhaustible, it will make people think you very well. To squander your love!


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