
英语小说 2019-11-03 22:06:08 英语小说
[摘要]59岁的金牌主持人杰·雷诺从1992起,就一直是《今晚脱口秀》节目的当家,现在他将功成身退,把接力棒交给Conan OBrien。雷诺表示:“我当然会非常非常想念这个节目的,这是电视上最好的工作了。


59岁的金牌主持人杰·雷诺从1992起,就一直是《今晚脱口秀》节目的当家,现在他将功成身退,把接力棒交给Conan O"Brien。雷诺表示:“我当然会非常非常想念这个节目的,这是电视上最好的工作了。”




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The 59-year-old has been hosting the US TV talk show, an American institution, since 1992 and is handing over the reins to Conan O"Brien. He said: "Will I miss it, yes, terribly - it"s the most wonderful job ever in show business."

Leno, who is moving to a new daily prime-time show on NBC, said he"d had the chance to make millions of viewers laugh on the show, which has been running since 1954.

Leno declined to give advice to O"Brien, whom he called "a terrific guy" and a friend. He said the new host would "bring his sensibility" to the long-running show.

O"Brien takes over The Tonight Show on Monday June 1. Leno"s new programme will start in September.

相关热点: 美剧 英语听力 电影世界 英语翻译 catti

