帮助妻子谈恋爱续 威廉18_围观王子谈恋爱:威廉王子和凯特•米德尔顿的8年恋爱长跑

英语文化 2020-08-17 08:06:51 英语文化
[摘要]1 戒指Wearing Princess Dianas sapphire engagement ring, bride-to-be Kate Middleton and fiancé Prince文化娱乐电影


1 戒指

Wearing Princess Diana"s sapphire engagement ring, bride-to-be Kate Middleton and fiancé Prince William make an engaging debut as a couple at St. James"s Palace in London on Nov. 16 – just hours after announcing their plans to wed in London in the spring or summer of 2011. 2010年11月6号,在宣布二人定于2011年夏举行婚礼后的一小时,威廉王子和带着戴安娜王妃蓝宝石戒指做订婚戒指的准新娘凯特·米德尔顿携手出现在圣詹姆斯宫。

2 滑雪之旅

Prince William and Kate Middleton"s year-long romance goes public when the couple, both 21, are photographed during their Alpine vacation at Switzerland"s Klosters ski resort in March 2004. 2004年3月,都是21岁的威廉和凯特在相恋一年后被拍到在瑞士的滑雪胜地克洛斯特斯滑雪度假,随即公开恋情。

3 足球场的二人

William and Kate display a rare moment of public affection during a soccer game at the prince"s alma mater, Eton College, in March 2006. 2006年3月,在威廉王子母校伊顿公学的足球赛场上两人难得地在公众面前展现了甜蜜的一面。

4 威廉的毕业典礼

Kate cheers on William during his graduation from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in December 2006 – in the presence of her boyfriend"s grandmother, Queen Elizabeth. 2006年12月,凯特当着男友的祖母伊丽莎白女王的面参加了威廉王子在皇家陆军军官学校的毕业典礼,为男友加油鼓气。

5 重修旧好

After their surprise split, the pair is photographed on a secret date at Boujis.在二人突然分手后,凯特和威廉被拍到在Boujis(英国夜总会)秘密约会。

6 08年的四人约会

In June 2008, William and Kate go on a charitable double date with Harry and his girlfriend Chelsy Davy.2008年6月,威廉和凯特与弟弟哈里王子及其女友Chelsy Davy来了个慈善四人行。

7 欢乐舞蹈

William shows Kate his best moves at the Beaufort Polo Club party while ringing in his 26th birthday. 在威廉王子在保佛马球俱乐部举行的26岁的生日聚会上,威廉和凯特共舞。

8 快艇上的闲暇时光

In August 2008, on break from his military training, William enjoys some rest time with Kate on a speedboat.2008年8月,不用参加军事训练的威廉和凯特一起登上快艇享受闲暇时光。

9 09年的二人

The prince and Kate show their mutual affection at a charity polo match.王子和凯特在一场慈善马球赛上秀恩爱。

10 电影首映现场

At the premiere of Sherlock Holmes last December, the private couple skipped the red carpet.威廉和凯特出现在了去年12月举行的《大侦探福尔摩斯》首映式的红地毯上。

11 在法国阿尔卑斯

After seven years together, William and Kate are practically family.相恋7年后的两人已经能像家人一样相处了。

12 参加友人婚礼

A dashing William and beaming Kate make a rare public appearance together at Oct. 23.10月23号,潇洒的威廉和笑容满面的凯特难得地在公众面前一同亮相。

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