难逃 小说_难逃七年之痒 詹尼佛•洛佩兹宣布离婚

英语小说 2020-09-12 12:05:51 英语小说
[摘要]With three failed marriages between them, Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony finally seemed to find tru文化娱乐明星


With three failed marriages between them, Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony finally seemed to find true love together when they married seven years ago. They had twin children, went on tour together, did a movie together and even planned a music-based reality show they were working on together.经历了三段失败的婚姻之后,七年前的詹尼佛·洛佩兹和马克·安东尼似乎终于找到了真爱,步入了婚姻的礼堂。他们生了一对双胞胎,一起巡演,一起拍片,甚至还计划一起做个音乐相关的真人秀。

But on Friday, the pair announced they were no longer together.不过在周五,这对夫妻宣布他们劳燕分飞了。

"We have decided to end our marriage. This was a very difficult decision," the couple said in a statement by Lopez"s publicist. "We have come to amicable conclusion on all matters. It is a painful time for all involved and we appreciate the respect of our privacy at this time."在洛佩兹的发布会上,这对夫妻在声明里说,“我们决定结束我们的婚姻,这是个艰难的决定,我们在所有事务的处理方面已经达成了一致。这对大家来说都是个痛苦地时刻,我们希望大家能尊重我们的隐私。”

It was a surprising split for one of Hollywood"s most high-profile couples. They seemed inseparable: Lopez even danced in the background for her crooner husband when he performed on "American Idol," where she debuted as a judge this past season.这两口子是好莱坞最高调的夫妻之一,他们看上去像是密不可分的:洛佩兹在上一季《美国偶像》首次出任评委,老公安东尼去表演,洛佩兹还去给他当伴舞。

In April, the pair, both 42, announced plans for a television show together, "Q"Viva! The Chosen," with Simon Fuller, the creator of "Idol." The show was to feature the superstar couple as they traveled the world to find the best performers in Latin music, dance and other arts with the goal of creating a live extravaganza.四月的时候,同为42岁的两人宣布会和美国偶像的创始人Simon Fuller一起制作一部真人秀《Q"Viva! The Chosen》,这个秀本打算让这对明星夫妻周游全世界去发现拉丁音乐、舞蹈和其他艺术领域中的最佳表演者,以此打造一个现场音乐盛宴。

The show had no airdate, and it"s unclear if it will continue.这部真人秀播放日期还没定,是否会继续也不是很明朗。

相关热点: 电影世界 流行音乐 英语三级

