
零基础英语 2020-09-23 08:08:55 零基础英语
[摘要]选词填空UNIT1(第一单元)1 I heard his scream and felt my blood freeze with fear 我听到了他的尖叫并且感觉我的血[db:cate]




1. I heard his scream and felt my blood freeze with fear.


2. Some teachers tend to stereotype students who are from rural areas.


3. His frist instinct was to call 911 when he realized there was a burglar in his house.


4. The building collapsed during the earthquke . It went all to pieces.


5. We promise that the products will be delivered on time.


6. The ship hit the rock in the deep ocean and all passengers aboard fell into the river.


7. These plants consume carbon dioxide,and release oxgen.


8. Money and wealth trap people into various obligations.


9. The uncertainty has left traders confused as to what course of action will be taken.


10. His bid to take over the company falied.



1. Emergency personnel are on site attempting to rescue workers exposed to the poisonous gas.


2. Recently,the police conduceed a sting operaton in the country targeting unlicensed electrical appliance repair shops.


3. Her experince in the hotel was terible: the room rates were expensive,the food was poor,the room attendants were rude,and the bad weather was the last straw.


4. The real estate broker requied a 10% down payment for the purchase of this house.


5. He lost all his wealth in the econmic crisis: he killed himself in desoeration.


6. She embraced his offer to help her with her English.


7. The defendant protested that he had never been near the scene of the crime.


8. The jail is surrounded with the high walls.


9. Last night a burglar broke into the old couple”s house and robbed them of all their possession.


10. I spray my dress with water before ironing.

在熨烫前 我给衣服了点水


1. It has been arranged that the meeting will be held in the Admin Building.


2. The little boy had broken the neghbor”s window but his parents refused to make any compensation for that.


3. Some industries in this area are still discharging thier wastes into the river,polluting the environment.


4. Everyone should be equel in this world and we shall never impose our opinions on others.


5. Since the painkiling drugs are not available at the moment,my mother has to endure her fierce toothache.


6. Though physical training of some kind is very tough,we can benfit,a lot of from it.


7. How could you use up all the water when we are in such bad need of it?


8. It seems to be the best solution to this problem.


9. Adviser often urge young investors to put most of their income in stocks.


10. I”ve arranged for a car to pick them up at the airport.



1. What in nature do you mean?


2. Were the seating arrangement for the dinner party according to protocol


3. His record of academic excellence continuced through college .


4. While a moderate amount of stress can be benefical,too much stress can exhaust you.


5. People tend to be more aggresive when they are young and more conservative as they get older.


6. If you had prepared in advance,you wouldn”t be in such an awkward position.


7. He gave the child a lecture on the importance of punctuality.


8. A bill came along with the package


9. Jack has obtained a medical qualification.


10. You must be more diplomatic in handing the situation.




1.As she as about to walk into the elevator she noticed two men already aboard.


2.Her hesition about joining them in the elevator was all too obvious now.Her face was flused.


3.The one who said it hada little trouble getting the words out.He was trying mightily to hold in a belly laugh.


4.How do you apologize to two perfectly respectable gentlemen for behaving as though they were going to rob you?


5.The woman brushed herself off.She pulled herself together and went downstairs for dinner with her huaband



1.The father just laughed and shook his head,showing no faith in his son or his drem.


2.The kids at school also made fun of him,so much so that he stopped sharing his thoughts and desires and kept them hidden within his hert.


3.It seemed that the world”s thumb was pressing the boy down throughout his adolesence .


4.They were surprised ,to say the least,and wished him well,while never admiting they were wrong


5.The harbormaster waved his arms and yelled for the young man to stop,that there was a strom coming.



1.And we were not going to live in a dorm,no sir,we figured that we were smart,mature fellows and so we arranged to rent a house.


2.It reduced that value of the bathroom for the rest of us,yet we got no compensation.


3.The rest of us picked up after Charlie,but we got no compensation for doing so


4.The rest of us would be waiting around to use the bathroom.pleading,urgring,and begging


5.Those who take,monoplize,and pollute,are imposing costs on the rest of us and on the economy in general



1.Conducting business deals with the French requires you to follow some very important protocol


2.As a vistor,it is your job to respect these opinion and refrain from raising such issues throuhout your interatin with them.


3.Do not point fingers at political or historical figures.


4.The manner of your comunication will dictate how far your aliance with them goes.


5.They may pose questions and probe you further to get answers related to the business




1.Tom long bid goodbye to everything in the garden(向花园里面的一草一木告别)as he wept tears.

2.She was clear headed and never made a spectade of herself (从不出洋相)

3.He looked at the funny looking man,biting his lip(咬着嘴唇忍住不出声)

4.Gazing at his cilpboard,he murmured,”It doesn”t look like you are going to make it.”(看来你恐怕不行了)

5.Panic consumed the surivious (幸存者都无比惊慌)after the tragedy of a disastrous plane crash


1.Instead of making fun of him(他们没有取笑他)they became touchingly protective.

2.When all things are finalized in February(等到二月份一切定下来)we will announce if his next work will be a movie or TV drama.

3.Every preparation was being made(所有准备工作正在进行中)to meet the typhnoon and for the fishermen to dock at the port.

4.Prew had a bad day : he lost his cell phone on the way back,then he had a bad fall,and when he found his wallet missing,that was the last straw and he began to cry(他就再也忍不住哭了起来)

5.When he was of age (成年后)he took a job selling newspapers at a Brooklyn subway exit.


1.Although the cost was reduced,it did no good.(但还是没用)

2.He did come here yesterday (昨天确实来过这儿i saw him in the office

3.Electricity flows through a wire just as water flows through a pipe (就像水流过水管一样)

4.As an imortant genetic index,blood type has been brought into broad use (已经得到广泛运用)

5.The rule should be vetoed because it restricted our access to public facilities(限制了我们对公共设施的使用)


1.Millons of people want new,simplified ways of interacting with a computer(与计算机互动)

2.The computer has made a great impact (产生了巨大的影响)on modern life

3.They failed to adhere to our original agreement(遵守我们原定的协议)

4.If you fold your letter in two,it will fit into the envelope(装到信封里面去了)

5.Please take time to consider the problem(花点时间考虑这个问题)


P29The Colors of the Rainbow)

1.According to the passage,which of the fowlling colors is the commonest in the countryside?

a.Green b.Blue c.Yellow d.Orange

:从文章来看,哪一种颜色在国家中是最普遍的?找到题目中隐藏的关键countryside 从第二段最后一句look over the countryside and you will see that i am in the marjority.(环看整个国家我绿色是最主要的)所以可以选出答案a

2.According to the passage,which of the following colors is the source of postive feelings?

a.Purple b.Red c.Orange d.Yellow

:从文章看,哪一种颜色具有积极感觉?题目的关键在于postive (积极的)这个词上,看第四段,对于黄色的解读是I bring laughter gairty and wamth into the word(我带来快乐,欢笑,给世界带来温暖)所以可以选出答案d

3.Purple is a color which stands for the following EXCEPT?

A.height b.royalty c.authority d.wisdom

:哪一种特性不代表紫色?题目需要注意的地方是EXPECT 这个词的意思是除了什么之外

所以从题目中要找到三个代表紫色特性的关键词 其余的一个就是题目的答案 找到解释紫色的段落第七段“i am the color of royalty and power.kings,chiefs and bishops have always chosen me for i am the sign of authority and wisdom.”(我的颜色代表忠诚,国王,主教常常选择我作为权利和智慧的代表)所以文章中没有提到的是a.站起来 所以选择答案a

4.The word ‘relentlessly”in para.9 probaby means?

A.heavily b.mercilessly c.continuously d.angrily

:这个词在第九段是什么意思?首先找到这个词,把这个词带到句子中,联系前后句分析“Rain started to pour down relentlessly”当看不懂这个词的意思的时候,把四个选项比较来看,首先看a选项,heavily沉重的 在句中pour down 倾倒下来本身就有重的意思,重复,所以可以排除a 然后bd选项一个是怜悯的另一个是生气的,太过拟人化,不符合题意 所以只有c选项持续不断的 符合题意 故选择c

5.what is the main idea of the passage?

a.unity makes you power

b.every person is unipe and has his own strengths

C.freedom makes a mess

d.what make a rainbow

:这个文章的主要意思是什么?通看全篇,可以看出来这篇文章通过写的是每一个不同的颜色,每一种颜色不同的性格特点 这一点符合b选项 暗示着每一个是独特的并且有着自己的优势 其实同样可以通过比较四个选项选择一个最符合文章主旨的


1.A paricular hotel has become famous probaby because of its location,design and name.

:这个是N 原因是文章第二段没有提到name

2.Burj arab is the most distinctive looking hotel in the world because it is bulit on an artifial island and is shaped like a giant sail

:这个是N 题目说的是不能很确定是Burj arab 这个酒店坐落在人工岛上形状像一个巨大的帆船 而题目是以肯定语气说的是Burj arab 所以是错误的 要填N

3.People usually think that the smaller a thing is,the better it is but in the case of a hotel,the bigger it is the better

:这个是Y 人们通常越小越好但是对于酒店来说越大越好 这一点是对的 从第三段可以看出来因为酒店大可容纳的人数多越好

4.It was the political scandal which involved richard nixon that made the watergate complex famous

:这个是Y 美国总统因为水门事件陷入政治丑闻 从文章第四段可以看出

5.the running of hotel needs hard work and involvement,so communication is very important to make sure sure that the staff will keep suppliers and vistors safe.

:这个是N 这道题主要考的是对于人物关系 在文章倒数第三段他们是并列关系 而这里变成主次 所以填N


7.Successful hotels are successful bacause their facilities are much more advanced and their surroundings are much more beautiful

:这个是N 酒店的成功是因为他们的先进设施和更多美丽环境的围绕 这一点是错误的 从第五段可以看出酒店的成功不是因为美丽的环境而是清洁友好的环境 所以填N

8.Hotel communication can do good to anyone working in the hotel or complex

9.Nowadys there is firce competion in the hotel service industy and the right hotel communication can make a hotel gain a completive advantage

10.Hotels think that the money spent on improving hotel safety and hotel communication is a very big amount.


1.The word “DOO”in para.4 refers to

B.dog shit(狗狗粪便)题目说第四段提到的“doo”在句中是什么意思,找到这个词语,看前后语句意思“i watered the leaves with collected rain water,and even composted some of stevie”s doggie doo”(我用收集的雨水浇水并且用小狗的便便做肥料)

2.”The people of color”in para.5 are

A.no white(除白种人以外的)从第五段第二句可以看出种族歧视

3.The author

C.thinks that there is no trash and everthing is useful according to different(作者认为没有水的浪费,水可以有不同的用途)从文章最后一段可以看出水的循环及其重要,循环是未来潜在的生命

4.When she looks at her adopted dog,the autor is moved to tears because

C.she will be treasured as having the potential for a new life 题目的意思是说当她看着自己收养的狗狗,感到的流下了眼泪是因为什么 (她将被视为拥有新生命的潜力)

5.Which of the following can be used as the title for the passage?

A.no trash of everything 文章题目是哪一个可以被用作做标题?第一段最后一句是解题重点 文章主要围绕的是垃圾的回收与循环


1.what does “there in that casker”in line3.para.9mean?

A.lying in the coffin 题目问这句话在第九段第三行是什么意思 首先把这句话放到原文中”so i just want people to see me in the casket”所以我想要人们看到我在棺材里 所以和a选项躺在棺材里不谋而合

2.Why did the paster feel pleased after the young woman explained the reason she wanted to hold a fork in her right hand?

B.Because she understood the meaning of life and death 题目说为什么牧师高兴向她们解释在她左手拿一个叉子的原因?从第十段最后一句可以看出因为她明白了生和死的真正意义

3.In the second paragraph from the end of the passage the narrator says “he was right”in what aspect do you think he was right?

D.the fork would make people think about what it symbolied在第二段的最后,讲述者说“他是对的”你认为他说的什么地方是对的?叉子会让人们去思考代表的意义

4.what is a pastor?

C.A minster(牧师)

5.what is the best title for the story?

B.A woman and a Fork(一个女人和一个叉子)


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