风子民谣歌手|清新民谣:风儿告诉我是谁 Mélanie Pain

英语文化 2019-11-19 18:07:15 英语文化
[摘要]Artist:Mélanie PainSong:My NameI will walk through the mountains I will walk through the deserts文化娱乐英乐


Artist:Mélanie Pain
Song:My Name

I will walk through the mountains

I will walk through the deserts

Walk through seven seas

I will travel the lands so

I will travel the hills

Travel around the world

Until I find someone who knows

Who knows my name
Until I find someone who could tell who I am


I will go down the mounts
I will go up to the sky
I will go far and wide
I will sing in the morning
I will sing in the evening
Singing all the time
Until I find someone who knows
Who knows my name
Until I find someone who could tell who I am

I"m looking for my name...

I will travel the lands so
I will travel the hills
Travel around the world
I will sing in the morning
I will sing in the evening
Singing high and low
Until I find someone who knows
Who knows my name
Until I find someone who could tell who I am
Who I am

I"m looking for my name...

    这个轻快由不失慵懒的女声是法国家喻户晓的Nouvelle Vague乐队女主音Mélanie Pain,她的个人首张专辑,4月19日在澳洲首卖。Mélanie Pain有着甜美又略带慵懒的音色,这张专辑独具着她个人的气质,并且收录了一首与法国星光大道第五季冠军Julien Doré合作的歌曲Helsinki,整张专辑以抒情清新的风格灌注,又弥漫着风情万种的法语香颂。



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