[丰田汽车零部件 常熟]丰田汽车:3年内零部件成本削减30%

英语阅读 2020-01-31 17:06:09 英语阅读
[摘要]丰田汽车正逼迫供应商在今后几年大幅降价。这家日本汽车制造商希望重获业内利润领袖的地位。Toyota Motor is pressing suppliers to deliver unusually s


Toyota Motor is pressing suppliers to deliver unusually steep price cuts over the next few years as the Japanese carmaker seeks to reclaim its position as the industry"s profit leader.
The world"s biggest carmaker told a gathering of suppliers this week that it expects to pay 30 per cent less for many components by the time it rolls out new models for 2013, according to people briefed on the matter. Many of the suppliers are Toyota affiliates, meaning the statement “amounts to an order” to slash prices, one person who deals with the company said.

Toyota followed up yesterday by reorganising its procurement functions, merging three purchasing divisions into two. The move was part of a broader streamlining of management lines since June ordered by Akio Toyoda, chief executive.
Toyota has been slower to adjust to the global economic slump than its main Japanese rivals. Government incentives have reversed a free-fall in demand in its biggest markets in recent months, but the group nonetheless expects to lose Y200bn ($2.2bn) in the financial year to March.

Squeezing out cost savings has long been a Toyota hallmark but the company has intensified its efforts this year. Managers have given up their bonuses and even some elevators at its headquarters have been switched off to cut electricity bills.

Analysts said the price cuts demanded of suppliers were the largest in the company"s recent history. Toyota had for years been the motor industry"s most profitable group before the recession combined with a sharp increase in the value of the yen knocked it from its perch.

研究公司思迈汽车信息咨询(CSM Worldwide)的西本正敏(Masatoshi Nishimoto)表示,仅靠供应商不大可能满足丰田的要求。“丰田自己不得不做大量的工作,包括更迅速地切换到全球平台,使用更多通用部件等,”他说。
Masatoshi Nishimoto of CSM Worldwide, a research group, said suppliers would be unlikely to meet Toyota"s demands on their own. “Toyota is going to have to do a lot of work itself, by switching more quickly to global platforms and using more common parts,” he said.

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