
英语文化 2020-03-29 15:14:39 英语文化
[摘要]You will need:你需要事先准备:* color printer* standard weight paper* scissors* tea bags in the flavors of y文化娱乐英语文化


You will need:你需要事先准备:

* color printer
* standard weight paper
* scissors
* tea bags in the flavors of your choosing (the ones that come with strings and tags attached are best)
* needle
* embroidery or standard thread (I used white, but you can use any color you"d like)
* Pen (for addressing your Valentine and noting the tea flavor)
* For other methods of assembly (noted above) you may need (optional) tape, gluestick, or a sewing machine and thread.· 彩色打印机
· 普通的打印纸
· 剪刀
· TA喜欢味道的茶包包(最好是味道不一般而且带小纸签的)
· 针线(挑选你喜欢的线色就好了——我喜欢白色的线!)
· 笔(可以在茶包上写些什么)
· 还有一些其他可能用到的东东(胶带啊胶水缝纫机什么的)

Step-by-step tutorial:完整版教程:

1. Print the wrappers and tags and cut each one out. Gather your supplies.把你需要的内容打印出来,然后剪下来备用。

2. Carefully remove the paper tag that came on your tea (leaving the string attached). Thread the string (that is attached to your teabag) through your needle. Stitch the heart tea tag onto the end of the string using one or two stitches and secure with a knot. Trim the end of the string if needed.小心的把原先茶包上的商标撕下来,再把属于你的心形小标签贴上去(或者缝上去)。注意这个心形是需要双面都有图案的哦!

3. Fold your tea bag wrapper in half and write the tea flavor in the box on the back. Include your Valentine"s name if you"d like.把茶包对折,然后在反面写上茶包的味道,当然还可以有爱人的名字哦~

4. Cut a length of embroidery floss about 38" in length and knot at the end. Thread onto your needle. Begin stitching your paper wrapper by inserting the needle into the bottom (folded edge) of your wrapper (with the knot on the inside). You can use any stitch that is comfortable to you. I stitched around the edge because I like the effect it gives.取一米左右的棉线穿好针,然后从茶包的底端(折叠线的一边)开始沿着边缘缝合。当然,你也可以选择自己喜欢的任何缝合方式,反正我是很喜欢这种针脚的效果啦~

5. Sew up the first side (do not cut the thread). Wrap the string (attached to your teabag) around your teabag so that the heart sits as shown.Insert your teabag inside your wrapper and then carefully continue stitching until you"ve sewn all three sides. Knot at the end.缝完一边的时候记得把茶包塞进去,然后再仔细的把剩下的部分全部缝合好。最后记得打结,剪断多余的线。

6. Give as is OR... Present it with a teacup or mug that can be used over and over again.当当当当!大功告成!现在就把它和一只茶杯一起送给自己心爱的TA吧!

I hope you enjoyed this little project. Have a wonderful Valentines Day!希望大家喜欢这个小创意,情人节快乐!

相关热点: 四六级考试技巧


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