在阳光下|阳光下跳跃的铃铛:The Lucky One

英语文化 2020-06-05 12:04:29 英语文化
[摘要]沪江英乐讯   一分钟长的前奏,叮叮咚咚,像童话里的铃铛,挂在廊檐下敲出好听的声音。女声在梦幻的音乐伴奏下清浅动人,末尾处男女声合唱,let the sunshine let it come,歌词让人文化娱乐英乐


沪江英乐讯   一分钟长的前奏,叮叮咚咚,像童话里的铃铛,挂在廊檐下敲出好听的声音。女声在梦幻的音乐伴奏下清浅动人,末尾处男女声合唱,let the sunshine let it come,歌词让人感觉特别美好。

:Au Revoir Simone
Song:The Lucky One

A dream of togetherness
Turned into a brighter mess
A faint sign my spoken best
Now, now

Make way for the simple hours
No finding the time its ours
A fate or it"s a desire
I know

So I was the lucky one
Reading letters, not writing them
Taking pictures of anyone
I know

So let the sunshine
So let the sunshine
So let the sunshine let it come
To show us that tomorrow is eventual
We know it when the day is done

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