
英美剧 2020-06-21 22:06:31 英美剧
[摘要]Gossip Girl Scoop: Latest on Js (Short-Lived) ReturnIt looks like the embattled Jenny Humphreys re文化娱乐英美剧


Gossip Girl Scoop: Latest on J"s (Short-Lived) Return

It looks like the embattled Jenny Humphrey"s return to Gossip Girl this fall involves (shocker) a fashion event and (another shocker!) a brawl with Blair Waldorf!
看图说话:气氛好像不妙哎!看样子Jenny随着秋季《绯闻女孩》回归而归来貌似是为了参加一场时尚盛事(小编:难道真被说中是Tim Gunn客串的那一场?),而且会和女王B大动干戈哦(注意图上正面俩人的眼神,要吃人了!)

Of course, the return is short-lived.

Lil J will be in the Big Apple just long enough for her to interview for a job with Gunn at Parsons. But what might have been a triumphant return will go awry.
据说小J回到苹果城是为了参加Tim Gunn在Parson设计学院的面试。但是这次师出有名,理所当然的驾临估计会被什么人搅乱一下然后跑偏原本的目的。

Let"s just say the Raccoon inadvertently gets caught up in Chuck and Blair’s latest drama, and the pent-up tension boils over at (what else) a big fancy party.


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