实习医生格蕾第十五季|实习医生格蕾第七季首集 Cristina和Owen的小型婚礼!

英美剧 2020-06-22 12:04:54 英美剧
[摘要]SPOILER! Grey’s Anatomy Wedding Secrets RevealedAfter surviving the shooter rampage that claimed the文化娱乐英美剧


SPOILER! Grey’s Anatomy Wedding Secrets Revealed

After surviving the shooter rampage that claimed the lives of two doctors at Seattle Grace Hospital on the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy, Cristina (Sandra Oh) and Owen (Kevin McKidd) realize that life is too precious — and will tie the knot during the show’s Sept. 23 premiere on ABC.
上一季《实习医生格蕾》大结局中,在西雅图仁爱医院两名医生被害的惨剧中幸存下来的Cristina和Owen,发现了生命如此无常又如此宝贵。因而决定在第七季首集回归为观众们带来一场意料之中又出乎意料的婚礼。 “It’s very surprising,” Oh tells PEOPLE. “Hopefully it will make sense [to viewers]. After something as obliterating as the shooter comes in, when push comes to shove Owen says, ‘I want to spend my life with you.’ It’s almost clearer and easier to make that decision.”
A couple of key takeaways from the above image: The bride wears red; the ceremony takes place in Mer’s living room; and there are three people in attendance I don’t recognize. 从上面这张婚礼图片中我们可以得出以下几点线索:1 新娘礼服是非传统的红色,2 这个小型温馨仪式是在Meredith家的客厅举行的,3 图中背景有三个新面孔,不知道是不是新角色出场。 Of course, this isn’t the first time Cristina was about to say “I do.” In season 3, she and Burke (Isaiah Washington) nearly tied the knot. But in the end he backed out, leaving her heartbroken in her wedding dress.
Things are very different this time around. “When she was about to marry Burke many of the decisions weren’t really hers,” Oh says. “She never wanted to get married or wear ‘the dress.’ Having a much more relaxed and casual wedding is closer to who she and Owen are.”
不过这次的婚礼会大不一样。上次她要嫁给Burke时,很多选择并不是她想要的:大型婚礼,盛装婚纱,家传珠宝,甚至还剃了她的眉毛。但是这次她和Owen的婚礼会很轻松惬意,三五好友见证,一件美丽礼服和一个珍惜她理解她的人就足矣。 The happy occasion was well-received by all the actors on the set of Grey’s, but perhaps not for the reasons you’d expect. Says Oh, “I think people were more happy and giddy not to be wearing scrubs.”


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