[gossipgirl第四季百度影音]GossipGirl第四季第2集剧情预告 BC重逢?!

英美剧 2020-06-22 18:06:30 英美剧
[摘要]绯闻女孩第四季第2集 双重身份播出时间:2010年9月20日Blair在巴黎过得有声有色,被一个疑似摩纳哥贵族的帅哥Louis追求。Lily则焦急万分,请S帮着找到Chuck,他已经几个月杳无音讯了。文化娱乐英美剧


绯闻女孩第四季第2集 双重身份


Gossip Girl
Episode 4.2 Identity
Airs: Sep. 20, 2010
Living out a real-life fairytale in Paris, Blair is pursued by a handsome young man, Louis (guest star Hugo Becker), who she suspects is a member of Monaco"s royal family. A very concerned Lily asks Serena to help her find Chuck, who hasn"t been heard from or seen in months. Meanwhile, Chuck Bass is as we"ve never seen him before, adjusting to a fresh start in Paris with a mysterious new woman, Eva, at his side. Juliet offers to help Nate win Serena back, suggesting that reigniting Dan and Vanessa"s romance may just be the trick to remove Dan from the Dan-Serena-Nate love triangle.

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