
英语新闻 2020-08-05 22:10:42 英语新闻
[摘要]Even though Robsten has a little girl onscreen, you won’t see Kristen with a baby bump in the near f文化娱乐电影



Even though Robsten has a little girl onscreen, you won’t see Kristen with a baby bump in the near future!虽然在电影荧幕上罗伯特和克里斯特生了一个小女孩,但是现实生活中,短期内你是不会看到克里斯汀因为怀孕而隆起的肚子的!

Robert Pattinson, 24, and Kristen Stewart, 20, won’t be having kids anytime soon! The 24-year-old Breaking Dawn star tells Germany’s Bravo Magazine that Kristen wants to “wait before she has kids.”24岁的罗伯特·帕丁森和20岁的克里斯汀·斯图尔特近期内是不会生孩子的!这位24岁《暮光》系列电影影星向《Germany"s Bravo》杂志表示克里斯汀不想急着生孩子。

We bet their real-life child will be just as beautiful if not more than Renesmee [MacKenzie Foy], their Twilight daughter. Rob wouldn’t gush too much on his relationship with K-Stew but he does say she prefers his hair “tousled” as opposed to his clean cut look in his upcoming flick Water For Elephants.我们敢断定他们俩现实生活中的孩子就算不比他们《暮光之城》中的女儿Renesmee(MacKenZie Foy扮演)漂亮,也一定和她不相上下。罗伯特不愿过多地透露他与克里斯汀之间的感情,但是他说克里斯汀比较喜欢他在自己即将上映的新作《大象的眼泪》中蓬乱的发型。

He also reveals who his bedmate is!And even though Rob loves his girlfriend , there’s someone sleeping in his bed and it’s not Kristen — it’s his puppy!他还透露了自己的床伴到底是谁!虽然罗伯特深爱着自己的女友,而且也的确不是自己一个人睡,但是床上的另一个不是克里斯特——而是他的小狗!

“Sometimes, when he jumps at night in the bed, I am just too tired to remove him,” he says. “I should be more strict to him.”“有时候,他会自己半夜跳到床上来,我实在太累也懒得去动他,”罗伯特说。“我该对他严厉一点儿的。”


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