
英语新闻 2020-08-12 22:06:44 英语新闻
[摘要]We love it when Hollywood uses its power for good! Justin Bieber, U2, and Rihanna are donating songs文化娱乐明星


We love it when Hollywood uses its power for good! Justin Bieber, U2, and Rihanna are donating songs to a charity album to benefit the victims of Japan’s March 11 earthquake and tsunami.我们都很高兴看到好莱坞的明星们运用自己的影响力和号召力在做善事!Justin Bieber,U2,和RIhanna都拿出自己的歌曲制作成一辑慈善大碟来为在3月11号日本地震和海啸中受害的民众募捐。

Lady Gaga — who already designed a Japan Prayer Bracelet following the tragedy. Nicki Minaj, and Bon Jovi are also interested taking part in the project.Lady Gaga在得知日本的地震发生后已经亲自设计了日本祈福手环来募集善款。Nicki Minaj和Bon Jovi也表示有兴趣参加慈善专辑活动。

Universal Records plans to release the album digitally by the end of next week in hopes of sending funds as quickly as possible to the Japanese Red Cross.为了能尽快筹得善款捐给日本红十字会,环球唱片公司计划在下周末发布这款唱片的数字版。

Sandra Bullock made a $1 million donation to the American Red Cross to aid the people of Japan. Gwen Stefani, a long-time fan of Japanese culture, also announced she will contribute $1 million to Save the Children’s Japan Earthquake-Tsunami Children in Emergency Fund.Sandra Bullock向美国红十字会捐款100万美元来帮助日本受灾民众。一直对日本文化兴趣浓厚的Gwen Stefani也宣布要捐出100万美元给紧急救助基金来救助在日本大地震和海啸中受害的孩子们。

“I’ve been inspired by Japan for many years and have a true love, appreciation and respect for the Japanese people and their culture,” Gwen, 41, said. “The disaster in Japan is beyond heartbreaking and I want to do anything I can to help. ”“长久以来我都很喜欢日本文化,从中也汲取了很多灵感,同时也很尊进日本人民,”41岁的Gwen说到。“这次在日本发生的灾难让人心痛,我想做些力所能及的事情来帮助他们。”

Joe Jonas and many other celebrities have also taken to twitter to send their good wishes those affected by the tragedy. Japan is currently recovering from a 9.0 earthquake and tsunami that took the lives of more than 9,000 people — and the death toll is expected to rise.Joe Jonas和许多其他明星也通过推特表达了他们对受灾日本民众的美好祝福。日本正在从此次9.0级大地震和海啸中慢慢恢复,这次灾难夺去了9000多人的生命,并且死亡人数还会上升。

日本此次9.0级大地震带来了严重的后果,全球人民都在热切地关注事态发展,也有很多热心人愿意伸出双手帮助他们。其实不仅仅是日本,在这个世界上还有很多人需要我们的帮助,沪江网也特别推出了“沪江公益”项目,点滴爱,汇集大未来。已经有很多沪友参加了“沪江公益”项目 想参加的你这边传送门为你打开>>


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