
英语文化 2020-09-07 22:08:05 英语文化
[摘要]小屋外观A Visit from Guinness吉尼斯的访问A massive tree house in Crossville, Tennessee, which many have claime文化娱乐英语文化



A Visit from Guinness吉尼斯的访问
A massive tree house in Crossville, Tennessee, which many have claimed to be the world"s largest, may soon receive an official title from Guinness Book of World Records. It is estimated to have used over a quarter million nails to complete thus far.在田纳西州克罗斯维尔有一个号称世界最大的树上小屋,这座小屋很有可能被吉尼斯世界纪录收录。据测量,该小屋总共耗费25万个钉子。


One Man"s Hobby个人兴趣
Horace Burgess began work on the tree house in 1993 after receiving a revelation from God. A self-taught carpenter and landscape architect, he has worked almost constantly on the structure since then and he"s not finished yet.1993年,在接到上帝的指示后,Horace Burgess开始建造这个小屋。作为一个自学成才的木匠和景观设计师,他从1993年工作到现在,至今小屋还未完全建好。


Country Mansion乡下大厦
The house is nearly a hundred feet tall, ten stories high and includes a sanctuary, basketball court, swinging lawn chair, hidden passageways, steep staircases and a "penthouse" Burgess built for his wife. 这座房子高100英尺,共有十层,包括一个至圣所,一个篮球场,一个摇摆折椅,隐通道,陡峭楼梯以及Burgess为妻子建造的屋顶房间。


Spiral Stairs螺旋楼梯
A primary spiral staircase winds around the tree that the structure was originally built upon. Now its weight is suspended between ten trees.这座螺旋楼梯是根据树的生长方向自然搭建的。楼梯的重量现在由周围的10棵树支撑着。


Exact measurements精确测量
In order to confirm the Guinness title, Burgess will have to provide measurements of every inch of the tree house, a daunting task that he"ll likely accomplish with the assistance of his friends who have volunteered many hours on the project. Burgess has also vowed to build additions to the ramshackle structure if he is ever in danger of losing that title. 为了确认吉尼斯纪录,Burgess可能要计量这个树屋的每一个地方。这真的是一个浩大的工程,Burgess的朋友们已经自愿加入帮忙测量。Burgess也发誓,如果这个小屋哪一天摇摇晃晃不牢靠了,他一定会竭尽全力修补,不辜负这个吉尼斯头衔。


Burgess hosts a late, informal church service in the tree house each Sunday afternoon. He plans to eventually run a summer camp for at-risk youth in the house.Burgess每周末都会在小屋的室内礼堂举办非正式的讲经会。他决定在合理为高危少年们举办夏令营。


The tree house has suffered no damage from the recent spate of tornadoes and storms in Tennessee, however vandals have covered much of the surface with graffiti. Many of the messages are religious in nature.树屋在最近的洪水和龙卷风中丝毫未损。然而很多地方却因为涂鸦而遭到破坏。当然事实上很多记号是宗教图腾。


No Electricity没有电的小屋
Though the house was once wired for electricity, the copper wiring was stolen from the house three years ago and has not been replaced. Many of the salvaged window frames and doors have also been removed.虽然小屋曾经通上了电,但三年前,小屋的铜线被偷走后就再也没有换上。很多废弃的门窗结构已经被移走了。


Free Admission免费参观
Burgess estimates he has spent about $12,500 on the house and has used primarily salvaged lumber. No admission is charged to the hundreds of visitors who pass through each week.据Burgess估计,他在这栋房子上已经花费12500美元,主要用的是废弃木材。但每周几百个参观者都是免费进入的。

相关热点: 首都经济贸易大学


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