
英语文化 2020-09-07 22:08:05 英语文化
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Movie Star Couples Share Educational Backgrounds


The tabloids love a good celebrity romance. But so do scientists. One has even used movie stars as models for understanding why people tend to marry partners with similar levels of education. The star-studded study appears in the Journal of Human Capital. [Gustaf Bruze, "Marriage Choices of Movie Stars: Does Spouse’s Education Matter?"]

小报最喜欢报道形象良好的名人们的花边新闻,但是科学家们也不例外。 有一位科学家甚至用电影明星来示范为什么人们喜欢找教育程度相似的伴侣。这项众星云集的研究成果发表在《人力资本》期刊上。[Gustaf Bruze, 《电影明星的结婚选择:配偶的学历重不重要?》]

There are any number of reasons why individuals might wed their academic equals. The simplest being that they actually meet each other in school. It could also be that people with similar educational backgrounds wind up side by side in the workplace. Or maybe we’re more comfortable with someone whose earning potential is in our ballpark.


To sort through the possibilities, Gustaf Bruze, an economist in Denmark, looked to the Big Screen. Thespians, he found, also tend to marry people with the same level of learning. So Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes each have formal education equivalent to completion of high school.


Now, actors don’t usually meet their partners in school, and they’re not cast in movies based on their diplomas. Nor does their education level correlate with their box office earnings. So it can’t be about happenstance or about finance. Maybe it’s just that people with the same sort of education like the same movies—in this case, the ones they’re in.


—Karen Hopkin



相关热点: 品牌听力 电影世界 流行音乐 四六级


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