【lady m】Lady Gaga加入《舞林争霸》评委阵容

英美剧 2020-09-08 18:11:10 英美剧
[摘要]It’s official: Fox’s hottest summertime commodity, So You Think You Can Dance, will add some sizzle文化娱乐英美剧


It’s official: Fox’s hottest summertime commodity, So You Think You Can Dance, will add some sizzle to its current season — and maybe give its sliding ratings a boost – with a helping of Lady Gaga.官方消息:美国Fox电视网最热节目《舞林争霸》本季迎来新噱头——在Lady Gaga的推动下——本季的《舞林争霸》收视率可能暴涨。

The theatrical performer will serve as a judge on the series sometimes before its finale in August, a Fox rep confirmed for EW.com, echoing that which Nigel Lythgoe hinted at during a recent press call.在本季《与星共舞》八月份结束之前,Lady Gaga将会不时出现并担任评委,Fox电视网发言人向EW.com确认此消息,也是对此前《舞林争霸》Nigel Lythgoe(制片人兼舞蹈指导和评审)之前暗示的证实。

“What she will do is give great advice on how to handle yourself, how to be creative with what you do, and how to be a fabulous performer,” Lythgoe has said of Gaga’s encore. “Lady Gaga这次将会坐在评审席上对怎样把握自己,怎样把你所想的表现出来和怎样展现最精彩的表演等方面给出自己的建议,”Lythgoe谈到Gaga的第二次造访时说。(Lady Gaga在《舞林争霸》第四季中出现过。)

Most recently, SYTYCD welcomed a guest judge in the form of Broadway icon Kristin Chenoweth.最近,《舞林争霸》将会迎来百老汇明星克里斯汀-肯诺恩斯客串评委。


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