上海世博会|世博会第三天 组织者提醒游客注意防暑降温

英语新闻 2020-05-21 08:08:02 英语新闻



据悉,今天园区共开馆168个,因入园参观者相对较少,场馆排队人数比昨天大幅减少,秩序井然。中国馆今天共接待4.56万人参观。省区市馆有3.06万人进馆参观,主题馆接待了4.19万人参观。AB片区的沙特、日本等热门展馆平均排队人数超过2000人,韩国馆平均排队人数降到1000人以下。C片区的德、法、瑞士、西班牙平均排队人数超过1000人。英国、美国馆平均排队人数接近1000人。浦西DE片区和城市最佳实践区的展馆基本不需排队就可参观。 截至下午17时,园区内共举行各类文化演出活动45场次,吸引了6.2万人次观看。



More than 215,000 visitors entered the site of World Expo 2010 on its second opening day yesterday, exceeding Saturday"s total 207,700, despite a scorching sun that brought the temperature to nearly 30 degrees Celsius.

Visitors dressed in short sleeves and opened their umbrellas while waiting in front of popular pavilions.

The elevated pedestrian ways sprayed mists of water to cool visitors at 10am. Some bench areas at the Puxi site also have spraying systems.

China Pavilion became the real hottest place, as the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau measured the outside temperature there at 30 degrees at noon.

However, crowds with reserved tickets still waited at the entrance of the pavilion. All reserved tickets to the pavilion - 30,000 yesterday - went in 20 minutes.

The daily high temperature will approach 30 degrees for another two days, the China Meteorological Administration said.

A medical station at Zone C, run by the Shanghai"s Changhai Hospital, received 20 visitors suffering from sunstroke by 4pm yesterday.

Doctors at the stations suggested that seniors and children not queue for popular pavilions and avoid walking under sunshine during hot weather. Visitors should also drink more water while visiting the Expo.

Visitors can ask for sun creams at the five medical stations around the Expo site. The stations run from 8am to 12am every day.

新春课程温暖上线,春季,和网校一起成长! 中级口译春季班 高级口译春季班 商务英语BEC【中级六月班】HOT! 商务英语BEC【初级五月班】
相关热点: 托福写作素材


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