[生活大爆炸适合学英语吗]看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第九集(4) Leonard,这就是你的不对了

英美剧 2020-08-13 22:06:40 英美剧
[摘要]看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第九集【剧情介绍】Leonard终于摆脱Sheldon有机会跟Stephanie单独约会了,Sheldon却又出现了(囧…) 他翻了Leonard的浏览记录找到Leonard所文化娱乐英美剧




Leonard终于摆脱Sheldon有机会跟Stephanie单独约会了,Sheldon却又出现了(囧…) 他翻了Leonard的浏览记录找到Leonard所在的电影院(人才啊), 然后开始进行他的怪癖---在电影院怪叫, 选最佳音效的位置.

SHELDON: I have a bone to pick with you,sir.

STEPHANIE: Hi,Sheldon.

SHELDON: Hi,Stephanie. I"m sorry I"m late,but your companion left the most indecipherable invitation.

LEONARD: What invitation?

SHELDON: We"re going to the movies. What movie? What theater? What time? If you were trying to make it impossible to locate you,you couldn"t have done a better job.

LEONARD: Oh,clearly I could have.

SHELDON: It took me nearly 20 minutes to go through the browser history on your computer to see what movie times you looked up.

SHELDON: Wait here,I"ll find us seats.

STEPHANIE: Uh,no,we have seats.

LEONARD: Not the right seats.

STEPHANIE: What is he doing?

LEONARD: He"s finding the acoustic sweet spot.

STEPHANIE: Does he always do this?

LEONARD: Sometimes he brings a toy xylophone. I am really sorry about this.

STEPHANIE: No,it"s fine. You know,he"s sweet.

SHELDON: My apologies,you"ve been sitting in it all along. Leonard,you want to slide over one?

LEONARD: No,just sit here.

SHELDON: Oh,yeah,this is it.


1. have a bone to pick就某事跟某人辩论或争吵,挑毛病
eg: I"ve got a bone to pick with you over your last shipment to London.

2. browser history浏览记录

3. sweet spot 最有效点;最佳击球位置
eg:We are moving into a sweet spot for the economy.

4. all along自始至终,一直
eg: Actually, news is a commodity which involves anxious managerial concern all along the way.

5. slide over移位,回避
eg: The phony managed to slide over the questions which were difficult for him to answer.

相关热点: 美剧 英语听力 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 考研英语核心词汇辨析


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