生活大爆炸第三季|《生活大爆炸》超强喜事 某位科技宅剧中上演求婚戏码

英美剧 2020-08-14 12:08:02 英美剧
[摘要]One of The Big Bang Theory guys will pop the question April 7, and the couple will probably eventua文化娱乐英美剧


One of The Big Bang Theory guys will pop the question April 7, and "the couple will probably eventually get married," says exec producer Bill Prady, who confirms the betrothed will be one of these couples:在4月7号(北京时间4月8号)的那一集《生活大爆炸》中将会上演求婚戏码,而且“这一对很有可能最终能够喜结连理,”该剧的执行制片人Bill P让的用说,他也向我们确认求婚的主角将会是以下几对中的某一对:

Leonard & PriyaLeonard和Priya

"Leonard joining the Koothrappali family would affect a lot of relationships in an interesting way," Prady hints. (But what about Penny?)“如果Leonard成为Koothrappali家族一员的话,那将会让剧中人物的关系变得更好玩,”Prady暗示说。(但是如果Leonard从了Priya,Penny肿么办?)

Sheldon & AmySheldon和Amy

"Sheldon feels his one and only true love is science," says Prady. "So this would represent a paradigm shift in our cognitive appreciation of the universe."“Sheldon向来觉得自己唯一的真爱就是科学,”Prady说。“所以这也算是我们的认知范围内能够理解的事。”

Howard & BernadetteHoward和Bernadette

"Howard"s a mama"s boy, but he has always wanted to be a husband and dad."“Howard一直都是妈妈的乖崽崽,但是(有了Bernadette)他也会很想做一个好丈夫和好父亲的。

相关热点: 美剧 英语听力 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 英语六级真题英语阅读长难句分析


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